path: root/annexview.el
diff options
authorKyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com>2018-07-14 01:12:23 -0400
committerKyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com>2018-07-14 14:03:34 -0400
commit1dd933e602c51016eece8ec24663b877cee0a5f0 (patch)
tree160aaf3c462112fca42c5c9febb5dad88c368e87 /annexview.el
Hello, Pluto
Provide support for creating/modifying views and setting metadata. All of git-annex's view commands are exposed, and most of the "setting" features of the 'git annex metadata' command are supported. Of the remaining bits, I intend to support only the --force flag (needed for setting metadata a directory's files). The user interface may still require a good amount of tweaking, but things seem to be in a working state.
Diffstat (limited to 'annexview.el')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/annexview.el b/annexview.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a05992a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/annexview.el
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+;;; annexview.el --- Dired interface for git-annex views -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018 Kyle Meyer
+;; Author: Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com>
+;; URL: https://gitlab.com/kyleam/annexview
+;; Keywords: vc, files, tools
+;; Version: 0.1.0
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Annexview provides a Dired interface for modifying git-annex
+;; metadata [0] and for creating metadata-driven views [1].
+;; Modification commands:
+;; git annex metadata ...
+;; annexview-field-set-value => --set field=value
+;; annexview-field-init-value => --set field?=value
+;; annexview-field-add-value => --set field+=value
+;; annexview-field-remove-value => --set field-=value
+;; annexview-add-tag => --tag tag
+;; annexview-remove-tag => --unset tag
+;; annexview-remove-field => --remove field
+;; View commands:
+;; annexview-create-view => git annex view ARGS
+;; annexview-vadd => git annex vadd ARGS
+;; annexview-vfilter => git annex vfilter ARGS
+;; annexview-vpop => git annex vpop N
+;; Miscellaneous commands:
+;; annexview-checkout-view => git checkout views/VIEW
+;; annexview-show-metadeta => git annex metadata FILE
+;; These commands are available under `annexview-map', which you can
+;; bind to a key in Dired buffers. If you use git-annex.el [2], the
+;; recommended keybinding of "@v" can be configured with
+;; (with-eval-after-load 'git-annex
+;; (define-key git-annex-dired-map "v" 'annexview-map))
+;; [0]: https://git-annex.branchable.com/metadata/
+;; [1]: https://git-annex.branchable.com/tips/metadata_driven_views/
+;; [2]: https://github.com/jwiegley/git-annex-el
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'dired)
+(require 'json)
+(require 'subr-x)
+(declare-function magit-git-lines "magit-git" (&rest args))
+(declare-function magit-git-string "magit-git" (&rest args))
+(declare-function magit-call-git "magit-process" (&rest args))
+(declare-function magit-process-buffer "magit-process" (&optional nodisplay))
+;;; Options
+(defgroup annexview nil
+ "Dired interface to git-annex metadata-driven views."
+ :prefix "annexview-"
+ :group 'files)
+(defcustom annexview-use-magit (and (require 'magit nil t) t)
+ "Whether to use Magit functions to call git."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom annexview-git-executable
+ (if (boundp 'magit-git-executable) magit-git-executable "git")
+ "Invoke git like this.
+And invoke git-annex by using \"annex\" as the subcommand."
+ :type 'stringp)
+;;; Metadata inspection
+(defun annexview--read-json-item ()
+ (let ((json-object-type 'alist)
+ (json-array-type 'list)
+ (json-key-type 'string)
+ (json-false nil)
+ (json-null nil))
+ (json-read)))
+(defun annexview-git-lines (&rest args)
+ (if annexview-use-magit
+ (magit-git-lines args)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (when (= 0 (apply #'call-process annexview-git-executable
+ nil '(t nil) nil args))
+ (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))))
+(defun annexview-git-string (&rest args)
+ (if annexview-use-magit
+ (magit-git-string args)
+ (car (apply #'annexview-git-lines args))))
+(defun annexview-call-git (&rest args)
+ (if annexview-use-magit
+ (unless (= 0 (magit-call-git args))
+ (magit-process-buffer))
+ (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (lambda (_)))
+ (buffer-name "*annexview-call-git-output*"))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer-name
+ (unless (= 0 (apply #'call-process annexview-git-executable
+ nil standard-output nil args))
+ (display-buffer buffer-name))))))
+(defun annexview-call-git-annex (&rest args)
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git "annex" args))
+(defvar annexview-git-annex-hash nil)
+(defun annexview-git-annex-hash ()
+ (or annexview-git-annex-hash
+ (annexview-git-string "rev-parse" "--verify" "git-annex")))
+;; TODO: There probably needs to be a local variable that can be used
+;; to disable the cache for repositories where reading in all the
+;; metadata would be too slow. When the cache is disabled, commands
+;; that use cached values for completion would have to instead read
+;; plain input.
+(defvar annexview--cache nil)
+(defmacro annexview--with-cache (key &rest body)
+ (declare (indent 1) (debug (body)))
+ (let ((keyvar (cl-gensym "keyvar"))
+ (cached (cl-gensym "cached"))
+ (result (cl-gensym "result")))
+ `(let* ((,keyvar (cons ,key (expand-file-name default-directory)))
+ (,cached (cdr (assoc ,keyvar annexview--cache)))
+ (annexview-git-annex-hash (annexview-git-annex-hash)))
+ (if (equal annexview-git-annex-hash
+ (cdr (assq :hash ,cached)))
+ (cdr (assq :result ,cached))
+ (cl-delete-if (lambda (x)
+ (and (equal (car x) ,keyvar)
+ (not (equal annexview-git-annex-hash
+ (cdr (assq :hash x))))))
+ annexview--cache)
+ (let ((,result ,(macroexp-progn body)))
+ (push (list ,keyvar
+ (cons :hash annexview-git-annex-hash)
+ (cons :result ,result))
+ annexview--cache)
+ ,result)))))
+(defun annexview-metadata-key-fields ()
+ "Return a hash table mapping a git-annex key to its metadata."
+ (annexview--with-cache :key-fields
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (if (/= 0 (call-process annexview-git-executable nil t nil
+ "annex" "metadata" "--json" "--all"))
+ (error "`git annex metadata' call failed")
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (item)
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (setq item (annexview--read-json-item)))
+ (puthash (or (cdr (assoc "key" item))
+ (error "Incorrect assumption: key always present"))
+ (cdr (assoc "fields" item))
+ table)
+ (skip-syntax-forward " ")))
+ table)))))
+(defun annexview-file-keys (files)
+ "Return the git-annex key for each file in FILES."
+ (annexview--with-cache (cons :lookupkey files)
+ (apply #'annexview-git-lines "annex" "lookupkey" files)))
+(defun annexview-fields (&optional files)
+ "Return the metadata field and values for the repository.
+If FILES is non-nil, restrict the result to fields attached to
+those files. The result is structured as a list of lists, where
+the first item of each list is the field name and the remaining
+items are the field values."
+ (annexview--with-cache (cons :fields files)
+ (let* ((md (annexview-metadata-key-fields))
+ (keys (or (and files
+ (annexview-file-keys files))
+ (hash-table-keys md)))
+ (flat (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (dolist (key keys)
+ (pcase-dolist (`(,field . ,values) (gethash key md))
+ (when (not (string-suffix-p "lastchanged" field))
+ (puthash field
+ (append values (gethash field flat))
+ flat))))
+ (let (fields)
+ (maphash (lambda (field values)
+ (push (cons field
+ (sort (delete-dups values) #'string-lessp))
+ fields))
+ flat)
+ fields))))
+(defun annexview-field-names (&optional files)
+ "Return the field names for the repository.
+If FILES is non-nil, restrict the result to fields attached to
+those files."
+ (annexview--with-cache (cons :field-names files)
+ (mapcar #'car (annexview-fields files))))
+(defun annexview-field-values (field &optional files)
+ "Return the values of FIELD that are present in the repository.
+If FILES is non-nil, restrict the result to values attached to
+those files."
+ (annexview--with-cache (list :field-values field files)
+ (cdr (assoc field (annexview-fields files)))))
+(defun annexview-tags (&optional files)
+ "Return all tags in the repository.
+If FILES is non-nil, restrict tags that are attached to those
+ (annexview--with-cache (cons :tags files)
+ (annexview-field-values "tag" files)))
+;;; Metadata display and modification
+(defun annexview--dired-files ()
+ (dired-get-marked-files
+ nil
+ (and current-prefix-arg
+ (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))
+(defun annexview-show-metadeta (files)
+ "Display metadata fields attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata FILES"
+ (interactive (list (annexview--dired-files)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*annexview-metadata*"
+ (apply #'call-process annexview-git-executable
+ nil standard-output nil "annex" "metadata" files)))
+(defun annexview-set (files args)
+ "Set metadata of FILES.
+ARGS should be a list of (OPERATOR FIELD VALUE) cells, where
+OPERATOR is a symbol matching a `git annex metadata --set'
+operator (= += ?= -=)."
+ ;; We might want to expose a clever interactive spec for this, but
+ ;; for now use it as the plumbing for single element set commands.
+ (apply
+ #'annexview-call-git-annex
+ "metadata"
+ (append (cl-mapcan
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (list "--set"
+ (pcase arg
+ ((and `(,op ,field ,value)
+ (guard (memq op '(= += \?= -=))))
+ (concat field (symbol-name op) value))
+ (_
+ (user-error "Unrecognized argument: %s" arg)))))
+ args)
+ (cons "--" files))))
+(defun annexview--read-new-value (field op files)
+ "Read a new value for addition operators (= ?= +=).
+OP is the operator shown in the prompt. If there is a single
+file, the candidates include only values for FIELD that aren't
+already attached to the file. Otherwise, the collection is
+comprised of all current values for FIELD."
+ (completing-read (concat field op)
+ (if (= 1 (length files))
+ (cl-set-difference (annexview-field-values field)
+ (annexview-field-values field files)
+ :test #'equal)
+ (annexview-field-values field))))
+;; TODO: Decide how to deal with --force (used for recursively setting
+;; metadata for files within a directory).
+(defun annexview-field-set-value (field value files)
+ "Set the VALUE for the FIELD attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set FIELD=VALUES FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((files (annexview--dired-files))
+ (field (completing-read "Field: " (annexview-field-names))))
+ (list field
+ (annexview--read-new-value field "=" files)
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((= ,field ,value))))
+(defun annexview-field-init-value (field value files)
+ "Initialize the VALUE for the FIELD attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set FIELD?=VALUES FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((files (annexview--dired-files))
+ ;; TODO: This could filter out fields that are on all files
+ ;; because ?= on those would be a noop.
+ (field (completing-read "Field: " (annexview-field-names))))
+ (list field
+ (annexview--read-new-value field "?=" files)
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((\?= ,field ,value))))
+(defun annexview-field-add-value (field value files)
+ "Add a VALUE to the FIELD attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set FIELD+=VALUES FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((files (annexview--dired-files))
+ (field (completing-read "Field: " (annexview-field-names))))
+ (list field
+ (annexview--read-new-value field "+=" files)
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((+= ,field ,value))))
+(defun annexview-field-remove-value (field value files)
+ "Remove a VALUE of FIELD attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set FIELD-=VALUES FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((files (annexview--dired-files))
+ (field (completing-read "Field: " (annexview-field-names files))))
+ (list field
+ (completing-read (format "%s-=" field)
+ (annexview-field-values field files))
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((-= ,field ,value))))
+(defun annexview-add-tag (tag files)
+ "Attach TAG to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set tag+=TAG FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let ((files (annexview--dired-files)))
+ (list
+ (completing-read
+ "Tag: "
+ (if (= 1 (length files))
+ (cl-set-difference (annexview-field-values 'tag)
+ (annexview-field-values 'tag files)
+ :test #'equal)
+ (annexview-field-values 'tag)))
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((+= "tag" ,tag))))
+(defun annexview-remove-tag (tag files)
+ "Remove TAG from FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --set tag-=TAG FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let ((files (dired-get-marked-files
+ nil (and current-prefix-arg
+ (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))))
+ (list (completing-read "Tag: " (annexview-field-values "tag" files))
+ files)))
+ (annexview-set files `((-= "tag" ,tag))))
+(defun annexview-remove-field (field files)
+ "Remove all FIELD values attached to FILES.
+Interactively, a non-nil prefix argument is interpreted as a
+numeric value for `dired-get-marked-files's ARG.
+$ git annex metadata --remove FIELD FILES"
+ (interactive
+ (let ((files (annexview--dired-files)))
+ (list (completing-read "Field: " (annexview-field-names files))
+ files)))
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git-annex "metadata" "--remove" field
+ "--" files))
+;;; Metadata views
+;;; For completion
+;; TODO: Make helm use plain `completing-read' here. Also check how
+;; Ivy handles it.
+;; TODO: Semicolon is a bad delimiter because it could be in field
+;; value. What's better?
+(defvar annexview-input-field-value-re
+ (rx string-start
+ ;; previous completed input
+ (group (zero-or-more (zero-or-more not-newline) ":")
+ ;; field key
+ (group (any alnum)
+ (zero-or-more (any alnum "_" "." "-")))
+ ;; assignment operator
+ (group (or "=" "+=" "?=" "-=" "!=")))
+ ;; input being currently completed
+ (group (zero-or-more (not (any "=" ":"))))
+ string-end)
+ "Regexp that matches when the current completion is a field value.")
+(defvar annexview-input-previous-item-re
+ (rx string-start
+ (group (zero-or-more not-newline)
+ (or ":" ":!" "!"))
+ (group (zero-or-more (not (any "!"))))
+ string-end)
+ "Regexp that matches when previous values have been completed.")
+(defun annexview--completion-info (string)
+ (cond
+ ((string= "!" string)
+ (list :negated "!" (substring string 1)))
+ ((string-match annexview-input-field-value-re string)
+ (list (match-string 2 string)
+ (match-string 1 string)
+ (match-string 4 string)))
+ ((string-match annexview-input-previous-item-re string)
+ (let ((previous (match-string 1 string))
+ (current (match-string 2 string)))
+ (list (if (string-suffix-p "!" previous) :negated :previous-input)
+ previous
+ current)))
+ (t
+ (list :plain "" string))))
+(defun annexview-completion-function (string _predicate &optional flag)
+ (when (memq flag '(nil t lambda))
+ (pcase-let ((`(,type ,previous ,current)
+ (annexview--completion-info string)))
+ (let ((ctable (pcase type
+ (`:negated
+ (annexview-tags))
+ ((or :plain :previous-input)
+ (append (annexview-field-names)
+ (annexview-tags)))
+ (`,field
+ (annexview-field-values field)))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq flag nil)
+ (let ((rtn (try-completion current ctable)))
+ (when (stringp rtn)
+ (setq rtn
+ (concat previous current (substring rtn (length current))
+ (cond ((member rtn (annexview-tags)) ":")
+ ((member rtn (annexview-field-names))
+ ;; This could be = or !=. Let's
+ ;; assume that = is more likely to
+ ;; be the desired one.
+ "=")))))
+ rtn))
+ ((eq flag t)
+ (all-completions current ctable))
+ ((eq flag 'lambda)
+ (and (assoc current ctable) t)))))))
+(defvar annexview-completion-history nil)
+(defun annexview-completing-read (prompt)
+ (let ((annexview-git-annex-hash (annexview-git-annex-hash)))
+ (split-string (completing-read prompt
+ #'annexview-completion-function
+ nil nil nil 'annexview-completion-history)
+ ":" 'omit-nulls "[: ]+")))
+(defun annexview--dired-revert ()
+ (when (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
+ (dired-revert))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (dired-goto-next-file))
+;; TODO: The current view should be indicated in some way (mode line
+;; or in the Dired buffer).
+(defun annexview-create-view (args)
+ "Enter a git-annex view.
+$ git annex view ARGS"
+ (interactive (list (annexview-completing-read "View args: ")))
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git-annex "view" args)
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+(defun annexview-vadd (args)
+ "Add subdirectories to a git-annex view.
+$ git annex vadd ARGS"
+ (interactive (list (annexview-completing-read "View args: ")))
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git-annex "vadd" args)
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+(defun annexview-vfilter (args)
+ "Filter the current git-annex view.
+$ git annex vfilter ARGS"
+ (interactive (list (annexview-completing-read "View args: ")))
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git-annex "vfilter" args)
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+(defun annexview-vpop (&optional n)
+ "Pop to Nth previous view.
+$ git annex vpop N"
+ (interactive "p")
+ (setq n (or n 1))
+ (funcall #'annexview-call-git-annex "vpop" (number-to-string n))
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+(defun annexview-vcycle ()
+ "Cycle order of view subdirectories.
+$ git annex vcycle"
+ (interactive)
+ (funcall #'annexview-call-git-annex "vcycle")
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+(defun annexview-views ()
+ "Return a list of git-annex views."
+ (mapcar (lambda (branch) (substring branch 6)) ;; views/<view name>
+ (annexview-git-lines
+ "for-each-ref" "--format=%(refname:short)" "refs/heads/views")))
+(defun annexview-checkout-view (branch)
+ "Switch to view on BRANCH.
+Note that when you checkout a view branch directly, git-annex
+does not consider you to be in a view, so commands like
+`annexview-vpop' won't work."
+ (interactive
+ (list (concat "views/"
+ (completing-read "View: " (annexview-views) nil t))))
+ (apply #'annexview-call-git (list "checkout" branch))
+ (annexview--dired-revert))
+;;; Bindings
+(defvar annexview-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ ;; Inspecting
+ (define-key map "s" #'annexview-show-metadeta)
+ ;; Modifying
+ (define-key map "+" #'annexview-add-tag)
+ (define-key map "-" #'annexview-remove-tag)
+ (define-key map "=" #'annexview-field-set-value)
+ (define-key map "R" #'annexview-remove-field)
+ (define-key map "a" #'annexview-field-add-value)
+ (define-key map "i" #'annexview-field-init-value)
+ (define-key map "r" #'annexview-field-remove-value)
+ ;; Viewing
+ (define-key map "a" #'annexview-vadd)
+ (define-key map "c" #'annexview-checkout-view)
+ (define-key map "f" #'annexview-vfilter)
+ (define-key map "p" #'annexview-vpop)
+ (define-key map "v" #'annexview-create-view)
+ (define-key map (kbd "TAB") #'annexview-vcycle)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for Annexview commands.")
+(fset 'annexview-map annexview-map)
+(provide 'annexview)
+;;; annexview.el ends here