piem --- Emacs tools and glue for working with public-inbox archives ==================================================================== This project is currently in the early stages of development. In general, anything that relates to interacting with public-inbox (https://public-inbox.org/README) archives from Emacs is worth considering, at least at this point. Much of the current functionality focuses on mapping public-inbox endpoints (email, nntp, http, rss) to associated code repositories in order to apply patches, including integration with b4-am to extract and process patches (https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/b4/b4.git). Upcoming development will largely focus on extending the very basic support public-inbox's local email interface (lei). Documentation is available online at https://docs.kyleam.com/piem/ Bug reports, patches, questions, and other feedback are welcome. Please send a plain-text email to piem@inbox.kyleam.com Messages that include this address are public and available as public-inbox archives at https://inbox.kyleam.com/piem/