(autoload 'vc-git-grep "vc-git" "Run git grep, searching for REGEXP in FILES in directory DIR. The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES. FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g. entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.") ;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16122801/ ;; remove-header-information-from-rgrep-grep-output-in-emacs (defun hide-grep-header () (save-excursion (with-current-buffer grep-last-buffer (goto-line 5) (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max))))) (defadvice grep (after hide-grep-header activate) (hide-grep-header)) (defadvice rgrep (after hide-grep-header activate) (hide-grep-header)) (defadvice lgrep (after hide-grep-hxoeader activate) (hide-grep-header)) (defadvice grep-find (after hide-grep-header activate) (hide-grep-header)) (defadvice vc-git-grep (after hide-grep-header activate) (hide-grep-header)) (key-chord-define-global ",z" 'rgrep) (provide 'init-grep)