(require 'git-annex) (setq vc-follow-symlinks t) (setq git-annex-commit nil) (define-prefix-command 'km/git-map) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c g") 'km/git-map) ;;; Magit (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/magit/") (require 'magit-autoloads) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/orgit/") (require 'orgit) (setq magit-restore-window-configuration t magit-revert-buffers t magit-delete-by-moving-to-trash nil magit-log-show-margin nil) (add-hook 'magit-find-file-hook 'view-mode) ;; http://whattheemacsd.com/setup-magit.el-01.html (add-hook 'magit-status-mode-hook 'delete-other-windows) (after 'magit (remove-hook 'magit-refs-sections-hook 'magit-insert-tags) (magit-backup-mode -1)) (after 'git-commit (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook (lambda () (add-hook 'with-editor-pre-finish-hook 'git-commit-save-message nil t))) (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook 'git-commit-turn-on-flyspell)) (defun km/magit-auto-commit () "Commit all changes with \"auto\" commit message. This can be useful for non-source code repos (e.g., Org mode note files) or commiting incomplete changes that will be extended into a proper commit." (interactive) (magit-run-git "commit" "--all" "--message=auto")) (defun km/magit-show-commit-under-point () "Pass text at point as commit to `magit-show-commit'. This is useful for commit IDs in files and log messages." (interactive) (--when-let (thing-at-point 'word) (magit-show-commit it))) (defun km/magit-show-project-commit-under-point () "Show commit under point for a selected project." (interactive) (--when-let (thing-at-point 'word) (let ((projectile-switch-project-action (lambda () (magit-show-commit it)))) (projectile-switch-project)))) (defun km/magit-commit-extend-all () "Run `magit-commit-extend' with '--all' flag. This can easily be done from the popup menu but is put into a function for calling from outside Magit buffers." (interactive) (magit-commit-extend '("--all"))) (defun km/magit-ff-merge-upstream () "Perform fast-forward merge of upstream branch. \n(git merge --no-edit --ff-only )" (interactive) (--if-let (magit-get-tracked-branch) (magit-merge it '("--ff-only")) (user-error "No upstream branch"))) (defun km/magit-stage-file-intent (file) "Stage FILE but not its content. With a prefix argument or when there is no file at point, ask for the file to be staged. Otherwise, stage the file at point without requiring confirmation. \n(git add -N FILE)" ;; Modified from `magit-stage-file'. (interactive (let* ((atpoint (magit-section-when (file))) (current (magit-file-relative-name)) (choices (magit-untracked-files)) (default (car (member (or atpoint current) choices)))) (list (if (or current-prefix-arg (not default)) (magit-completing-read "Stage file" choices nil t nil nil default) default)))) (magit-run-git "add" "-N" file)) (defun km/magit-push-all () "Push all branches." (interactive) (let ((remote (magit-read-remote "Remote"))) (magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" remote "--all"))) (defun km/magit-push-head (remote &optional args) "Push current branch to same name on remote. \n(git push [ARGS] REMOTE HEAD)" (interactive (list (magit-read-remote "Remote") (magit-push-arguments))) (magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" args remote "HEAD")) (defun km/magit-checkout-local-tracking (remote-branch) "Create and checkout a local tracking branch for REMOTE-BRANCH. \n(git checkout -t REMOTE-BRANCH\)" (interactive (list (magit-completing-read "Remote branch" (magit-list-remote-branch-names)))) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-t" remote-branch)) (defun km/magit-delete-previous-branch (&optional force) "Delete previous branch. \n(git branch -d @{-1})" (interactive "P") (magit-run-git "branch" (if force "-D" "-d") "@{-1}")) (defun km/magit-checkout-previous-branch () "Checkout previous branch. \n(git checkout -)" (interactive) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-")) (defun km/magit-list-recent-refs (n &optional remote) "List N recent refs. If REMOTE is non-nil, limit to remote refs." (magit-git-lines "for-each-ref" "--sort=-committerdate" "--format=%(refname:short)" (format "--count=%s" n) (if remote "refs/remotes" "refs"))) (defun km/magit-checkout-recent-ref (n) "Checkout branch from N recent refs. Refs are sorted by committer date." (interactive (list (or (and current-prefix-arg (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)) 5))) (magit-run-git "checkout" (magit-completing-read "Ref" (km/magit-list-recent-refs n)))) (defun km/magit-checkout-track-recent-ref (n) "Create and checkout a local tracking branch. Listed refs are limited to N most recent, sorted by committer date." (interactive (list (or (and current-prefix-arg (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)) 5))) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-t" (magit-completing-read "Ref" (km/magit-list-recent-refs n 'remote)))) (defun km/magit-checkout-master () "Checkout master branch. \n(git checkout master)" (interactive) (magit-run-git "checkout" "master")) (defun km/magit-branch-and-checkout-from-current (branch) "Create and checkout BRANCH at current branch. This is equivalent to running `magit-branch-and-checkout' with START-POINT set to the current branch. \n(git checkout -b BRANCH)" (interactive (list (magit-read-string "Branch name"))) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-b" branch)) (defun km/magit-backup-branch () "Create a backup branch for the current branch. \n(git branch b/)" (interactive) (--if-let (magit-get-current-branch) (magit-run-git "branch" (concat "b/" it)) (user-error "No current branch"))) (defun km/magit-mode-bury-all-windows (&optional kill-buffer) "Run `magit-mode-quit-window' until no longer in Magit buffer." (interactive "P") (while (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode) (magit-mode-bury-buffer kill-buffer))) (defun km/magit-log-select-guess-fixup-commit (&optional ntop) "Guess commit from fixup/squash commmits. Consider NTOP commits (default is 5) when searching for 'fixup!' and 'squash!' titles." (interactive (list (or (and current-prefix-arg (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)) 5))) (let (ntop-end msgs commit-pts) (save-excursion ;; Get limit for fixup/squash search. (goto-char (point-min)) (setq ntop-end (line-end-position (1+ ntop))) ;; Get fixup and squash messages. (while (re-search-forward "[a-z0-9]+ \\(fixup!\\|squash!\\) \\(.+\\)" ntop-end t) (push (match-string-no-properties 2) msgs)) (when (not msgs) (user-error "No fixup or squash commits found")) ;; Find earliest commit. (goto-char (point-min)) (dolist (msg msgs) (when (re-search-forward (concat "[a-z0-9]+ " msg "\n") nil t) (push (match-beginning 0) commit-pts)))) (if commit-pts (goto-char (apply #'max commit-pts)) (message "No matching commits found")))) (defun km/magit-checkout-file (rev file) "Checkout FILE from revision REV. \n(git checkout REV -- file)" (interactive (let ((rev (magit-read-branch-or-commit "Revision"))) (list rev (magit-read-file-from-rev rev "File")))) (let ((default-directory (magit-get-top-dir))) (magit-run-git "checkout" rev "--" file))) (defun km/magit-pin-file (&optional other-rev) "Pin this file to the current revision. Visit the current file and current revision with `magit-find-file'. Position point as in the original buffer. This may not correspond to same content if text before point has changed since the current commit. If OTHER-REV is non-nil, prompt for another revision instead of the current. In this case, keep point at the beginning of the buffer." (interactive "P") (let ((pos (point)) (rev (if other-rev (magit-read-branch-or-commit "Find file from revision") (or (magit-get-current-branch) (magit-rev-parse "HEAD")))) (fname (and (or buffer-file-name (user-error "Buffer not visiting file")) (file-relative-name buffer-file-name (magit-get-top-dir))))) (magit-find-file rev fname) (unless other-rev (goto-char pos)))) (defun km/git-rebase-show-commit () "Show the commit on the current line if any. Unlike `git-rebase-show-commit', display (but don't switch to) the commit buffer. And no dinging." (interactive) (save-excursion (goto-char (line-beginning-position)) (--if-let (and (looking-at git-rebase-line) (match-string 2)) (magit-show-commit it t)))) (defun km/magit-insert-staged-file (&optional no-directory) "Select staged file to insert. This is useful for referring to file names in commit messages. By default, the path for the file name is relative to the top directory of the repository. Remove the directory component from the file name if NO-DIRECTORY is non-nil." (interactive "P") (let* ((default-directory (magit-get-top-dir)) (files (magit-staged-files)) (file (if (= 1 (length files)) (car files) (completing-read "Staged file: " (magit-staged-files) nil t)))) (insert (if no-directory (file-name-nondirectory file) file)))) (define-key ctl-x-4-map "g" 'magit-find-file-other-window) (define-key km/file-map "g" 'magit-find-file) (key-chord-define-global "jg" 'magit-status) (after 'magit ;; Remove `magit-add-change-log-entry-other-window', which overrides ;; my binding for `km/zsh-ansi-term-other-window'. (define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "C-x 4 a") nil) (define-key magit-mode-map "N" 'km/magit-stage-file-intent) (define-key magit-mode-map "Q" 'km/magit-mode-bury-all-windows) ;; `magit-diff-visit-file-worktree' is also on C-RET. (define-key magit-file-section-map (kbd "C-j") 'magit-diff-visit-file-worktree) (define-key magit-hunk-section-map (kbd "C-j") 'magit-diff-visit-file-worktree) (define-key magit-log-mode-map "j" 'ace-jump-mode) (define-key magit-refs-mode-map "j" 'ace-jump-mode) (define-key magit-cherry-mode-map "j" 'ace-jump-mode) (define-key km/git-map "c" 'km/magit-show-commit-under-point) (define-key km/git-map "C" 'km/magit-show-project-commit-under-point) (define-key km/git-map "e" 'km/magit-commit-extend-all) (define-key km/git-map "f" 'km/magit-checkout-file) (define-key km/git-map "p" 'km/magit-pin-file) (define-key km/git-map "s" 'km/magit-insert-staged-file) (define-key km/git-map "u" 'km/magit-auto-commit)) (after 'magit-log (define-key magit-log-select-mode-map "." 'km/magit-log-select-guess-fixup-commit)) (after 'git-rebase (define-key git-rebase-mode-map "\s" 'km/git-rebase-show-commit)) ;;; Magit popups (setq magit-popup-show-help-echo nil magit-popup-show-help-section nil magit-popup-use-prefix-argument 'default) (after 'magit (setq magit-branch-arguments (delete "--track" magit-branch-arguments)) (define-key magit-popup-mode-map (kbd "SPC ") 'magit-invoke-popup-switch) (define-key magit-popup-mode-map (kbd "SPC SPC ") 'magit-invoke-popup-option) (setq magit-patch-popup (plist-put magit-patch-popup :use-prefix 'popup)) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-commit-popup ?u "Auto commit" 'km/magit-auto-commit) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-push-popup ?a "Push all" 'km/magit-push-all) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-push-popup ?h "Push HEAD" 'km/magit-push-head) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-merge-popup ?u "Merge upstream" 'km/magit-ff-merge-upstream) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?c "Create & checkout from current" 'km/magit-branch-and-checkout-from-current) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?C "Create" 'magit-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?l "Delete previous branch" 'km/magit-delete-previous-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?m "Checkout master" 'km/magit-checkout-master) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?n "Checkou recent ref" 'km/magit-checkout-recent-ref) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?N "Track recent ref" 'km/magit-checkout-track-recent-ref) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?p "Checkout previous" 'km/magit-checkout-previous-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?s "Backup current branch" 'km/magit-backup-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?t "Local tracking" 'km/magit-checkout-local-tracking) (defadvice magit-merge-editmsg (around km/magit-merge-editmsg-no-ff activate) "Set '--no-ff' flag when running `magit-merge-editmsg'." (let ((args '("--no-ff"))) ad-do-it))) ;;; Magit Annex (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/magit-annex/") (require 'magit-annex-autoloads) (setq magit-annex-unused-open-function #'org-open-file) (after 'magit-annex (setq magit-annex-all-action-arguments (delete "--auto" magit-annex-all-action-arguments))) (provide 'init-git)