(add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/magit/") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/magit-annex/") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/emacs/orgit/") (require 'magit-autoloads) (require 'orgit) (require 'git-annex) (setq git-annex-commit nil) (require 'magit-annex-autoloads) (after 'magit-annex (setq magit-annex-all-action-arguments (delete "--auto" magit-annex-all-action-arguments))) (key-chord-define-global ",g" 'magit-status) (defun km/magit-auto-commit () "Commit all changes with \"auto\" commit message. This can be useful for non-source code repos (e.g., Org mode note files) or commiting incomplete changes that will be extended into a proper commit." (interactive) (magit-run-git "commit" "--all" "--message=auto")) (defun km/magit-show-commit-under-point () "Pass text at point as commit to `magit-show-commit'. This is useful for commit IDs in files and log messages." (interactive) (--when-let (thing-at-point 'word) (magit-show-commit it))) (defun km/magit-show-project-commit-under-point () "Show commit under point for a selected project." (interactive) (--when-let (thing-at-point 'word) (let ((projectile-switch-project-action (lambda () (magit-show-commit it)))) (projectile-switch-project)))) (defun km/magit-commit-extend-all () "Run `magit-commit-extend' with '--all' flag. This can easily be done from the popup menu but is put into a function for calling from outside Magit buffers." (interactive) (magit-commit-extend '("--all"))) (defun km/magit-ff-merge-upstream () "Perform fast-forward merge of upstream branch. \n(git merge --no-edit --ff-only )" (interactive) (--if-let (magit-get-tracked-branch) (magit-merge it '("--ff-only")) (user-error "No upstream branch"))) (defun km/magit-stage-file-intent (file) "Stage FILE but not its content. With a prefix argument or when there is no file at point ask for the file to be staged. Otherwise stage the file at point without requiring confirmation. \n(git add -N FILE)" ;; Modified from `magit-stage-file'. (interactive (let* ((atpoint (magit-section-when (file))) (current (magit-file-relative-name)) (choices (magit-untracked-files)) (default (car (member (or atpoint current) choices)))) (list (if (or current-prefix-arg (not default)) (magit-completing-read "Stage file" choices nil t nil nil default) default)))) (magit-run-git "add" "-N" file)) (defun km/magit-push-all () "Push all branches." (interactive) (let ((remote (magit-read-remote "Remote"))) (magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" remote "--all"))) (defun km/magit-push-head (remote &optional args) "Push current branch to same name on remote. \n(git push [ARGS] REMOTE HEAD)" (interactive (list (magit-read-remote "Remote") (magit-push-arguments))) (magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" args remote "HEAD")) (defun km/magit-log-all-branches (range &optional args files) (interactive (magit-log-read-args t)) (add-to-list 'args "--all") (magit-log range args files)) (defun km/magit-checkout-local-tracking (remote-branch) "Create and checkout a local tracking branch for REMOTE-BRANCH. \n(git checkout -t REMOTE-BRANCH\)" (interactive (list (magit-completing-read "Remote branch" (magit-list-remote-branch-names)))) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-t" remote-branch)) (defun km/magit-checkout-previous-branch () "Checkout previous branch. \n(git checkout -)" (interactive) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-")) (defun km/magit-checkout-master () "Checkout master branch. \n(git checkout master)" (interactive) (magit-run-git "checkout" "master")) (defun km/magit-branch-and-checkout-from-current (branch) "Create and checkout BRANCH at current branch. This is equivalent to running `magit-branch-and-checkout' with START-POINT set to the current branch. \n(git checkout -b BRANCH)" (interactive (list (magit-read-string "Branch name"))) (magit-run-git "checkout" "-b" branch)) (defun km/magit-backup-branch () "Create a backup branch for the current branch. \n(git branch b/)" (interactive) (--if-let (magit-get-current-branch) (magit-run-git "branch" (concat "b/" it)) (user-error "No current branch"))) (defun km/magit-mode-quit-all-windows (&optional kill-buffer) "Run `magit-mode-quit-window' until no longer in Magit buffer." (interactive "P") (while (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode) (magit-mode-quit-window kill-buffer))) ;; http://whattheemacsd.com/setup-magit.el-01.html (defadvice magit-status-internal (around magit-fullscreen activate) ad-do-it (delete-other-windows)) (setq magit-restore-window-configuration t magit-completing-read-function 'magit-ido-completing-read magit-delete-by-moving-to-trash nil magit-popup-show-help-echo nil magit-popup-show-help-section nil magit-popup-use-prefix-argument 'default magit-log-show-margin nil) (setq vc-follow-symlinks t) (after 'git-commit (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook 'git-commit-turn-on-flyspell)) (after 'magit (magit-backup-mode -1) (add-hook 'magit-find-file-hook 'view-mode) (remove-hook 'magit-refs-sections-hook 'magit-insert-tags) (define-key magit-mode-map "Q" 'km/magit-mode-quit-all-windows) (define-key magit-popup-mode-map (kbd "SPC ") 'magit-invoke-popup-switch) (define-key magit-popup-mode-map (kbd "SPC SPC ") 'magit-invoke-popup-option) ;; Remove `magit-add-change-log-entry-other-window', which overrides ;; my binding for `km/zsh-ansi-term-other-window'. (define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "C-x 4 a") nil) (define-key magit-mode-map "N" 'km/magit-stage-file-intent) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-commit-popup ?u "Auto commit" 'km/magit-auto-commit) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-push-popup ?a "Push all" 'km/magit-push-all) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-push-popup ?h "Push HEAD" 'km/magit-push-head) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-merge-popup ?u "Merge upstream" 'km/magit-ff-merge-upstream) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-log-popup ?a "All branches" 'km/magit-log-all-branches) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?t "Local tracking" 'km/magit-checkout-local-tracking) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?s "Backup current branch" 'km/magit-backup-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?C "Create" 'magit-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?c "Create & checkout from current" 'km/magit-branch-and-checkout-from-current) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?p "Checkout previous" 'km/magit-checkout-previous-branch) (magit-define-popup-action 'magit-branch-popup ?m "Checkout master" 'km/magit-checkout-master) (defadvice magit-merge-editmsg (around km/magit-merge-editmsg-no-ff activate) "Set '--no-ff' flag when running `magit-merge-editmsg'." (let ((args '("--no-ff"))) ad-do-it)) (setq magit-branch-arguments (delete "--track" magit-branch-arguments))) (define-key ctl-x-4-map "g" 'magit-find-file-other-window) (define-key km/file-map "g" 'magit-find-file) (define-prefix-command 'km/git-map) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c g") 'km/git-map) (define-key km/git-map "c" 'km/magit-show-commit-under-point) (define-key km/git-map "C" 'km/magit-show-project-commit-under-point) (define-key km/git-map "e" 'km/magit-commit-extend-all) (define-key km/git-map "u" 'km/magit-auto-commit) (provide 'init-git)