;; Make cite key have form . (setq bibtex-autokey-year-length 4 bibtex-autokey-titleword-length nil bibtex-autokey-titlewords-stretch 0 bibtex-autokey-titlewords 1 bibtex-autokey-year-title-separator "" bibtex-autokey-titleword-ignore '("A" "An" "On" "The" "[0-9].*")) (setq bibtex-align-at-equal-sign t) ; Used by `bibtex-fill-entry'. (eval-after-load 'bibtex '(setq bibtex-entry-format (append '(realign sort-fields) bibtex-entry-format))) (defvar km/bibtex-unimportant-title-words '("a" "aboard" "about" "above" "absent" "across" "after" "against" "along" "alongside" "amid" "amidst" "among" "amongst" "an" "and" "around" "as" "aslant" "astride" "at" "athwart" "atop" "barring" "before" "behind" "below" "beneath" "beside" "besides" "between" "beyond" "but" "by" "despite" "down" "during" "except" "failing" "following" "for" "from" "in" "inside" "into" "like" "mid" "minus" "near" "next" "nor" "notwithstanding" "of" "off" "on" "onto" "opposite" "or" "out" "outside" "over" "past" "per" "plus" "regarding" "round" "save" "since" "so" "than" "the" "through" "throughout" "till" "times" "to" "toward" "towards" "under" "underneath" "unlike" "until" "up" "upon" "via" "vs." "when" "with" "within" "without" "worth" "yet") "Words to ignore when running `km/bibtex-use-title-case'. These are taken from http://lanecc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=38483&sid=295540 and have only been modified to remove duplicates. This means that there are some unlikely words in there, but you never know when the next article you read will have \"athwart\" in the title.") (defun km/bibtex-use-title-case () "Convert title of current BibTeX entry to title case. All words except those in `km/bibtex-unimportant-title-words' are capitalized." (interactive) (save-excursion (bibtex-beginning-of-entry) (goto-char (car (cdr (bibtex-search-forward-field "title" t)))) (while (not (looking-at "},")) ;; Not using `forward-word' because I want to capture character ;; before word. If "-" or "{", the word should not be capitalized. (re-search-forward "\\(.\\)[a-z]+") (let ((before-word (match-string-no-properties 1)) (word (thing-at-point 'word))) (unless (or (member before-word '("-" "{")) (member word km/bibtex-unimportant-title-words)) (backward-word) (capitalize-word 1)))))) (add-hook 'bibtex-clean-entry-hook 'km/bibtex-use-title-case) (provide 'init-bib)