# -*- mode: org -*- #+title: Bog #+options: toc:nil #+startup: showall Bog is a system for taking research notes in [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]]. It adds a few research-specific features, nearly all of which are focused on managing and taking notes with Org, not on writing research articles with Org. * Installation Bog is available on [[http://melpa.milkbox.net/][MELPA]]. To enable Bog in all Org buffers, add it to =org-mode-hook=. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'bog-mode) #+end_src * Workflow The Bog workflow is focused around the citekey, which is the only study information that must be included in the notes. This unique identifier is used as a link to the BibTeX file and other associated files. In the example below, the citekey "name2000word" is a study heading. A study heading is defined as a heading the has a citekey as a title or as the value of =bog-citekey-property=. When a citekey occurs anywhere else (like "another1999study" below), they are taken as a reference to another study (which may or may not have a subtree in this or another Org file). #+begin_example ,* Topic heading ,** TODO name2000word :atag: Article notes ... a reference to another1999study ... #+end_example The default format for the citekey is the first author's last name, the year, and then the first non-trivial word. To have BibTeX mode automatically generate a key of this format, the =bibtex-autokey-*= settings can be modified. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq bibtex-autokey-year-length 4 bibtex-autokey-titleword-length nil bibtex-autokey-titlewords-stretch 0 bibtex-autokey-titlewords 1 bibtex-autokey-year-title-separator "") #+end_src * Main features Many Bog functions take the citekey from the notes. If the point is on a citekey (like "another1999study" above), then that citekey will be used. If this fails, many functions will try to take the citekey from the first parent heading that is a study heading. - =bog-find-citekey-file= Open an associated file for a citekey. - =bog-find-citekey-bib= Open a BibTeX file for a citekey. BibTeX entries can be stored in one of two ways: - As a single file with many entries - As single-entry files named citekey.bib within a common directory - =bog-search-citekey-on-web= Search Google Scholar for a citekey. The default citekey format (first author's last name, year, and first non-trivial word) usually contains enough information to make this search successful. - =bog-rename-staged-file-to-citekey= Rename a new file. - =bog-clean-and-rename-staged-bibs= Rename new BibTeX files. If a separate BibTeX file is used for each citekey, this function can be used to rename all new BibTeX files. =bibtex-clean-entry= is used to clean the entry and autogenerate the key. - =bog-create-combined-bib= Generate a combined BibTeX file for all citekeys in buffer. This is useful if single-entry BibTeX files are used. Other useful functions include - =bog-goto-citekey-heading-in-buffer= - =bog-goto-citekey-heading-in-notes= - =bog-citekey-tree-to-indirect-buffer= - =bog-refile= - =bog-search-notes= - =bog-search-notes-for-citekey= - =bog-sort-topic-headings-in-buffer= - =bog-sort-topic-headings-in-notes= - =bog-insert-heading-citekey= * Variables Several variables determine where Bog looks for things. - =bog-notes-directory= - =bog-file-directory= - =bog-bib-directory= or =bog-bib-file= - =bog-stage-directory= The variables below are important for specifying how Bog behaves. - =bog-citekey-format= A regular expression that defines the format used for citekeys - =bog-find-citekey-bib-function= A function to find a citekey in a BibTeX file. This determines whether a directory of single-entry BibTeX files or a single BibTeX file is used. * Keybindings A keymap is defined for Bog under the prefix =C-c "​=. If you prefer something else (like =C-c b=), set =bog-keymap-prefix=. Some Bog functions are useful outside of an Org buffer (e.g., =bog-search-notes=). These functions are available through the =bog-commander= interface (based of off =projectile-commander=). This can be bound to a global key for quick access. * Other approaches If Bog doesn't fit your workflow, there are a good number of other approaches to explore. On the Org mode mailing list, there are some [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/78983][nice]] [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/14756][descriptions]] of systems people have come up with for taking research notes in Org. For a package that focuses on both taking research notes and writing research articles, look into [[https://github.com/jkitchin/jmax/blob/master/org/org-ref.org][Org-ref]].