diff options
authorKyle Meyer <>2015-09-04 23:28:51 -0400
committerKyle Meyer <>2015-09-04 23:28:51 -0400
commit043d10573c707128b186e3b6755c2bf9478010b6 (patch)
parentd13639c25647c22379c0b98939ed016947caddd4 (diff)
bog-create-combined-bib: Add option to avoid prompt
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 9b6b507..d55a33c 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -2,11 +2,23 @@
* master (unreleased)
+** New features
+- New option ~bog-combined-bib-ignore-not-found~ controls whether
+ ~bog-create-combined-bib~ prompts to continue when a citekey's bib
+ file is missing. With a prefix argument to
+ ~bog-create-combined-bib~, the meaning of this option is reversed.
** Other changes
- ~bog-search-notes~ and ~bog-search-notes-for-citekey~ now ignore any
agenda restriction locks.
+- In Dired, ~bog-create-combined-bib~ now always acts on the marked
+ files (or, if there are none, the one at point) regardless of the
+ prefix argument, which is no longer interpreted by
+ ~dired-get-marked-files~.
* v1.0.0
** New features
diff --git a/bog.el b/bog.el
index 57dad92..7ba1d11 100644
--- a/bog.el
+++ b/bog.el
@@ -157,6 +157,13 @@ This is only meaningful if `bog-find-citekey-bib-func' set to
:type '(choice (const :tag "Don't use single file" nil)
(file :tag "Single file")))
+(defcustom bog-combined-bib-ignore-not-found nil
+ "Whether `bog-create-combined-bib' ignores missing bib files.
+If non-nil, `bog-create-combined-bib' does not ask whether to
+continue when a citekey's bib file is not found."
+ :group 'bog
+ :type 'boolean)
(defcustom bog-citekey-file-name-separators "[-_]"
"Regular expression matching separators in file names.
When `bog-find-citekey-file' is run on <citekey>, it will find
@@ -773,10 +780,12 @@ one entry per BibTeX file."
(defun bog-create-combined-bib (&optional arg)
"Create a buffer that has entries for a collection of citekeys.
-If in Dired, collect citekeys from marked (or next ARG) files.
-Otherwise, collect citekeys the current buffer."
- (interactive "p")
- (setq arg (and current-prefix-arg arg))
+If in Dired, collect citekeys from marked files. Otherwise,
+collect citekeys the current buffer. With prefix argument ARG,
+reverse the meaning of `bog-combined-bib-ignore-not-found'."
+ (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg
+ (not bog-combined-bib-ignore-not-found)
+ bog-combined-bib-ignore-not-found)))
(let ((bib-buffer-name "*Bog combined bib*")
@@ -784,7 +793,7 @@ Otherwise, collect citekeys the current buffer."
(if (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
(setq citekeys
(delete-dups (cl-mapcan #'bog-citekeys-in-file
- (dired-get-marked-files nil arg))))
+ (dired-get-marked-files))))
(setq citekeys (bog-citekeys-in-buffer))))
(setq citekeys (sort citekeys #'string-lessp))
(setq citekey-bibs
@@ -798,8 +807,10 @@ Otherwise, collect citekeys the current buffer."
(insert "\n")
(insert-file-contents (cdr citekey-bib))
(goto-char (point-max)))
- ((not (y-or-n-p (format "No BibTeX entry found for %s. Skip it?"
- (car citekey-bib))))
+ ((or arg
+ (y-or-n-p (format "No BibTeX entry found for %s. Skip it?"
+ (car citekey-bib)))))
+ (t
(kill-buffer bib-buffer-name)
(user-error "Aborting"))))