diff options
authorKyle Meyer <>2015-02-19 23:01:58 -0500
committerKyle Meyer <>2015-02-19 23:01:58 -0500
commit87f4e2ce8916306bb0d58c811edcc359de6fc1f1 (patch)
parent323e94567808b445034f1a035a26024d9ef493c9 (diff)
Rework citekey sorting
- Try to only sort citekeys once. - Make functions that return citekeys sort them by default.
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/bog.el b/bog.el
index 84713d9..9a9b1f8 100644
--- a/bog.el
+++ b/bog.el
@@ -326,6 +326,12 @@ Otherwise, prompt for CATEGORY."
(unless (eq category t)
(assq-delete-all category bog--citekey-cache))))
+(defvar bog--no-sort nil)
+(defun bog--maybe-sort (values)
+ "Sort VALUES by `string-lessp' unless `bog--no-sort' is non-nil."
+ (or (and bog--no-sort values)
+ (sort values #'string-lessp)))
(defun bog-select-citekey (citekeys)
"Prompt for citekey from CITEKEYS."
(org-icompleting-read "Select citekey: " citekeys))
@@ -383,12 +389,16 @@ word constituents."
(defun bog-all-citekeys ()
"Return all citekeys in notes."
(bog--with-citekey-cache 'all-notes
- (cl-mapcan #'bog-citekeys-in-file (bog-notes))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort
+ (let ((bog--no-sort t))
+ (cl-mapcan #'bog-citekeys-in-file (bog-notes))))))
(defun bog-all-heading-citekeys ()
"Return citekeys that have a heading in any note file."
(bog--with-citekey-cache 'headings
- (cl-mapcan #'bog-heading-citekeys-in-file (bog-notes))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort
+ (let ((bog--no-sort t))
+ (cl-mapcan #'bog-heading-citekeys-in-file (bog-notes))))))
(defun bog-citekeys-in-file (file)
"Return all citekeys in FILE."
@@ -404,7 +414,7 @@ word constituents."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward bog-citekey-format nil t)
(push (match-string-no-properties 0) citekeys))
- (delete-dups citekeys))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort (delete-dups citekeys)))))
(defun bog-heading-citekeys-in-file (file)
"Return all citekeys in headings of FILE."
@@ -416,11 +426,12 @@ word constituents."
(defun bog-heading-citekeys-in-buffer ()
"Return all heading citekeys in current buffer."
- (delq nil (org-map-entries #'bog-citekey-from-heading)))
+ (bog--maybe-sort (delq nil (org-map-entries #'bog-citekey-from-heading))))
(defun bog-heading-citekeys-in-wide-buffer ()
"Return all citekeys in current buffer, without any narrowing."
- (delq nil (org-map-entries #'bog-citekey-from-heading nil 'file)))
+ (bog--maybe-sort
+ (delq nil (org-map-entries #'bog-citekey-from-heading nil 'file))))
(defun bog-non-heading-citekeys-in-file (file)
"Return all non-heading citekeys in FILE."
@@ -434,7 +445,7 @@ word constituents."
(unless (or (org-at-heading-p)
(push (match-string-no-properties 0) citekeys))))
- (delete-dups citekeys))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort (delete-dups citekeys)))))
(defun bog-list-orphan-citekeys (&optional file)
"List citekeys that appear in notes but don't have a heading.
@@ -452,9 +463,8 @@ file."
(insert "\n")
(dolist (file files)
(let* ((text-cks (bog-non-heading-citekeys-in-file file))
- (nohead-cks (sort (cl-set-difference text-cks heading-cks
- :test #'string=)
- #'string-lessp)))
+ (nohead-cks (nreverse (cl-set-difference text-cks heading-cks
+ :test #'string=))))
(when nohead-cks
(insert (format "* %s\n\n%s\n\n"
(file-name-nondirectory file)
@@ -473,8 +483,7 @@ is only active if `bog-use-citekey-cache' is non-nil)."
(when clear-cache
(bog-clear-citekey-cache 'headings))
(let ((bufname "*Bog duplicate heading citekeys*")
- (dup-cks (sort (bog--find-duplicates (bog-all-heading-citekeys))
- #'string-lessp)))
+ (dup-cks (bog--find-duplicates (bog-all-heading-citekeys))))
(if (not dup-cks)
(progn (message "No duplicate citekeys found")
(and (get-buffer bufname)
@@ -633,8 +642,9 @@ Generate a file name with the form
(defun bog-all-file-citekeys ()
"Return a list of citekeys for files in `bog-file-directory'."
(bog--with-citekey-cache 'files
- (delq nil (delete-dups (mapcar #'bog-file-citekey
- (bog-all-citekey-files))))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort
+ (delq nil (delete-dups (mapcar #'bog-file-citekey
+ (bog-all-citekey-files)))))))
(defun bog-file-citekey (file)
"Return leading citekey part from base name of FILE."
@@ -758,7 +768,7 @@ Otherwise, collect citekeys the current buffer."
(setq citekeys (bog-citekeys-in-buffer)))
(setq citekey-bibs
(mapcar (lambda (ck) (cons ck (bog-citekey-as-bib ck)))
- (sort citekeys #'string-lessp)))
+ citekeys))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bib-buffer-name)
(dolist (citekey-bib citekey-bibs)
@@ -801,10 +811,11 @@ instead of citekeys from file names in `bog-bib-directory'."
(when (and (file-readable-p df) (file-directory-p df))
(push df dirs)))
(push bog-bib-directory dirs))
- (mapcar #'file-name-sans-extension
- (cl-mapcan
- (lambda (dir) (directory-files dir nil ".*\\.bib$"))
- dirs))))))
+ (bog--maybe-sort
+ (mapcar #'file-name-sans-extension
+ (cl-mapcan
+ (lambda (dir) (directory-files dir nil ".*\\.bib$"))
+ dirs)))))))
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