diff options
authorKyle Meyer <>2014-02-03 00:00:36 -0500
committerKyle Meyer <>2014-02-03 00:50:18 -0500
commit68e1df6a74e6791bef21b6c295ddc056cfe4d3e5 (patch)
parent5164c4d378ed8bb9a6335dd6c177be7027140014 (diff)
Add function to search citekey on Google Scholar
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bog.el b/bog.el
index 52ad8ad..316eff6 100644
--- a/bog.el
+++ b/bog.el
@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ then lower case letters."
:type 'string
:group 'bog)
+(defcustom bog-web-search-url
+ ""
+ "URL to use for CITEKEY search.
+It should contain the placeholder \"%s\" for the query."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'bog)
;;; General utilities
@@ -114,6 +121,20 @@ ACTION will be called with the resulting citekey as an argument."
"Prompt for citekey from CITEKEYS"
(funcall bog-completing-read "Select citekey: " citekeys))
+(defun bog-citekey-groups-with-delim (citekey &optional delim groups)
+ "Return groups of `bog-citekey-format', seperated by DELIM.
+If DELIM is nil, space is used.
+If GROUPS is nil, groups 1, 2, and 3 are selected (which
+corresponds to the last name of the first author, the publication
+year, and the first meaningful word in the title)."
+ (let ((groups (or groups '(1 2 3)))
+ (delim (or delim " ")))
+ (string-match bog-citekey-format citekey)
+ (mapconcat '(lambda (g) (match-string-no-properties g citekey))
+ groups delim)))
(defun bog-citekey-at-point ()
(let ((maybe-citekey (thing-at-point 'word)))
(when (and maybe-citekey
@@ -299,6 +320,31 @@ occur in buffer instead of alphabetical order."
(file-name-as-directory bog-bib-directory)
+;;; Web
+(defun bog-search-citekey-on-web ()
+ "Open browser and perform query based for a citekey.
+The URL will be taken from `bog-web-search-url'.
+The citekey is split by groups in `bog-citekey-format' and joined by
+\"+\" to form the query string."
+ (interactive)
+ (bog-citekey-action 'bog-open-citekey-on-web
+ nil
+ nil))
+(defun bog-open-citekey-on-web (citekey)
+ (let ((url (bog-citekey-as-search-url citekey)))
+ (browse-url url)))
+(defun bog-citekey-as-search-url (citekey)
+ "Return URL to use for search."
+ (let ((query (bog-citekey-groups-with-delim citekey "+")))
+ (format bog-web-search-url query)))
(provide 'bog)
;; bog.el ends here