#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re from setuptools import setup # Utility function to read the README file. # Used for the long_description. It's nice, because now 1) we have a top level # README file and 2) it's easier to type in the README file than to put a raw # string in below ... def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() def find_version(source): version_file = read(source) version_match = re.search(r"^__VERSION__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", version_file, re.M) if version_match: return version_match.group(1) raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.") NAME = 'b4' setup( version=find_version('b4/__init__.py'), url='https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/b4/b4.git/tree/README.rst', project_urls={ 'Community': 'https://linux.kernel.org/g/tools' }, name=NAME, description='A tool to work with public-inbox and patch archives', author='Konstantin Ryabitsev', author_email='mricon@kernel.org', packages=['b4'], license='GPLv2+', long_description=read('man/b4.5.rst'), long_description_content_type='text/x-rst', data_files = [('share/man/man5', ['man/b4.5'])], keywords=['git', 'lore.kernel.org', 'patches'], install_requires=[ 'requests~=2.24.0', 'dkimpy~=1.0.5', 'dnspython~=2.0.0', ], python_requires='>=3.6', entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'b4=b4.command:cmd' ], }, )