.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText. . .TH B4 5 "2021-09-01" "0.9.0" "" .SH NAME B4 \- Work with code submissions in a public-inbox archive . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . .de1 rstReportMargin \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .de1 INDENT .\" .rstReportMargin pre: . RS \\$1 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin] . nr rst2man-indent-level +1 .\" .rstReportMargin post: .. .de UNINDENT . RE .\" indent \\n[an-margin] .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .nr rst2man-indent-level -1 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u .. .SH SYNOPSIS .sp b4 {mbox,am,shazam,attest,pr,ty,diff} [options] .SH DESCRIPTION .sp This is a helper utility to work with patches and pull requests made available via a public\-inbox archive like lore.kernel.org. It is written to make it easier to participate in a patch\-based workflows, like those used in the Linux kernel development. .sp The name "b4" was chosen for ease of typing and because B\-4 was the precursor to Lore and Data in the Star Trek universe. .SH SUBCOMMANDS .INDENT 0.0 .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 mbox\fP: Download a thread as an mbox file .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 am\fP: Create an mbox file that is ready to git\-am .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 shazam\fP: Similar to \fIam\fP, but lets you apply patches .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 pr\fP: Work with pull requests .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 diff\fP: Show range\-diff style diffs between patch versions .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 ty\fP: Create templated replies for processed patches and pull requests .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 attest\fP: (EXPERIMENTAL) Add cryptographic attestation to patches .IP \(bu 2 \fIb4 kr\fP (EXPERIMENTAL) Operate on patatt\-compatible keyrings .UNINDENT .SH OPTIONS .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .B \-d\fP,\fB \-\-debug Add more debugging info to the output (default: False) .TP .B \-q\fP,\fB \-\-quiet Output critical information only (default: False) .UNINDENT .SH SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS .SS b4 mbox .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B usage: b4 mbox [\-h] [\-o OUTDIR] [\-p USEPROJECT] [\-c] [\-n WANTNAME] [\-m LOCALMBOX] [msgid] .TP .B positional arguments: msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message .TP .B optional arguments: .INDENT 7.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-o \ OUTDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-outdir \ OUTDIR Output into this directory (or use \- to output mailbox contents to stdout) .TP .BI \-p \ USEPROJECT\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-project \ USEPROJECT Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux\-mm, linux\-hardening, etc) .TP .B \-c\fP,\fB \-\-check\-newer\-revisions Check if newer patch revisions exist .TP .BI \-n \ WANTNAME\fR,\fB \ \-\-mbox\-name \ WANTNAME Filename to name the mbox file .TP .BI \-m \ LOCALMBOX\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-local\-mbox \ LOCALMBOX Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or use \- for stdin) .TP .B \-C\fP,\fB \-\-no\-cache Do not use local cache .TP .B \-f\fP,\fB \-\-filter\-dupes When adding messages to existing maildir, filter out duplicates .TP .B \-M\fP,\fB \-\-save\-as\-maildir Save as maildir (avoids mbox format ambiguities) .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 mbox \fI\%20200313231252.64999\-1\-keescook@chromium.org\fP .SS b4 am .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B usage: b4 am [\-h] [\-o OUTDIR] [\-p USEPROJECT] [\-c] [\-n WANTNAME] [\-m LOCALMBOX] [\-v WANTVER] [\-t] [\-T] [\-s] [\-l] [\-Q] [msgid] .TP .B positional arguments: msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message .TP .B optional arguments: .INDENT 7.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-o \ OUTDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-outdir \ OUTDIR Output into this directory (or use \- to output mailbox contents to stdout) .TP .BI \-p \ USEPROJECT\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-project \ USEPROJECT Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux\-mm, linux\-hardening, etc) .TP .B \-c\fP,\fB \-\-check\-newer\-revisions Check if newer patch revisions exist .TP .BI \-n \ WANTNAME\fR,\fB \ \-\-mbox\-name \ WANTNAME Filename to name the mbox file .TP .BI \-m \ LOCALMBOX\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-local\-mbox \ LOCALMBOX Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or use \- for stdin) .TP .B \-M\fP,\fB \-\-save\-as\-maildir Save as maildir (avoids mbox format ambiguities) .TP .B \-C\fP,\fB \-\-no\-cache Do not use local cache .TP .BI \-v \ WANTVER\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-version \ WANTVER Get a specific version of the patch/series .TP .B \-t\fP,\fB \-\-apply\-cover\-trailers Apply trailers sent to the cover letter to all patches .TP .B \-S\fP,\fB \-\-sloppy\-trailers Apply trailers without email address match checking .TP .B \-T\fP,\fB \-\-no\-add\-trailers Do not add or sort any trailers .TP .B \-s\fP,\fB \-\-add\-my\-sob Add your own signed\-off\-by to every patch .TP .B \-l\fP,\fB \-\-add\-link Add a lore.kernel.org/r/ link to every patch .TP .B \-Q\fP,\fB \-\-quilt\-ready Save patches in a quilt\-ready folder .TP .BI \-P \ CHERRYPICK\fR,\fB \ \-\-cherry\-pick \ CHERRYPICK Cherry\-pick a subset of patches (e.g. "\-P 1\-2,4,6\-", "\-P _" to use just the msgid specified, or "\-P *globbing*" to match on commit subject) .TP .B \-g\fP,\fB \-\-guess\-base Try to guess the base of the series (if not specified) .TP .B \-3\fP,\fB \-\-prep\-3way Prepare for a 3\-way merge (tries to ensure that all index blobs exist by making a fake commit range) .TP .B \-\-cc\-trailers Copy all Cc\(aqd addresses into Cc: trailers, if not already present .TP .B \-\-no\-cover Do not save the cover letter (on by default when using \-o \-) .TP .B \-\-no\-partial\-reroll Do not reroll partial series when detected .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 am \fI\%20200313231252.64999\-1\-keescook@chromium.org\fP .SH B4 SHAZAM .sp TBD. .SS b4 attest .sp usage: b4 attest [\-h] patchfile [patchfile ...] .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B positional arguments: patchfile Patches to attest .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 attest outgoing/*.patch .SS b4 pr .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B usage: command.py pr [\-h] [\-g GITDIR] [\-b BRANCH] [\-c] [\-e] [\-o OUTMBOX] [msgid] .TP .B positional arguments: msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message .TP .B optional arguments: .INDENT 7.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-g \ GITDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-gitdir \ GITDIR Operate on this git tree instead of current dir .TP .BI \-b \ BRANCH\fR,\fB \ \-\-branch \ BRANCH Check out FETCH_HEAD into this branch after fetching .TP .B \-c\fP,\fB \-\-check Check if pull request has already been applied .TP .B \-e\fP,\fB \-\-explode Convert a pull request into an mbox full of patches .TP .BI \-o \ OUTMBOX\fR,\fB \ \-\-output\-mbox \ OUTMBOX Save exploded messages into this mailbox (default: msgid.mbx) .TP .B \-l\fP,\fB \-\-retrieve\-links Attempt to retrieve any Link: URLs (use with \-e) .TP .BI \-f \ MAILFROM\fR,\fB \ \-\-from\-addr \ MAILFROM Use this From: in exploded messages (use with \-e) .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 pr \fI\%202003292120.2BDCB41@keescook\fP .SS b4 ty .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B usage: b4 ty [\-h] [\-g GITDIR] [\-o OUTDIR] [\-l] [\-s SEND [SEND ...]] [\-d DISCARD [DISCARD ...]] [\-a] [\-b BRANCH] [\-\-since SINCE] .TP .B optional arguments: .INDENT 7.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-g \ GITDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-gitdir \ GITDIR Operate on this git tree instead of current dir .TP .BI \-o \ OUTDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-outdir \ OUTDIR Write thanks files into this dir (default=.) .TP .B \-l\fP,\fB \-\-list List pull requests and patch series you have retrieved .TP .BI \-s \ SEND\fR,\fB \ \-\-send \ SEND Generate thankyous for specific entries from \-l (e.g.: 1,3\-5,7\-; or "all") .TP .BI \-d \ DISCARD\fR,\fB \ \-\-discard \ DISCARD Discard specific messages from \-l (e.g.: 1,3\-5,7\-; or "all") .TP .B \-a\fP,\fB \-\-auto Use the Auto\-Thankanator to figure out what got applied/merged .TP .BI \-b \ BRANCH\fR,\fB \ \-\-branch \ BRANCH The branch to check against, instead of current .TP .BI \-\-since \ SINCE The \-\-since option to use when auto\-matching patches (default=1.week) .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 ty \-\-auto .SS b4 diff .sp usage: b4 diff [\-h] [\-g GITDIR] [\-p USEPROJECT] [\-C] [\-v WANTVERS [WANTVERS ...]] [\-n] [\-o OUTDIFF] [\-c] [\-m AMBOX AMBOX] [msgid] .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B positional arguments: msgid Message ID to process, pipe a raw message, or use \-m .UNINDENT .sp optional arguments: .INDENT 0.0 .INDENT 3.5 .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-g \ GITDIR\fR,\fB \ \-\-gitdir \ GITDIR Operate on this git tree instead of current dir .TP .BI \-p \ USEPROJECT\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-project \ USEPROJECT Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux\-mm, linux\-hardening, etc) .TP .B \-C\fP,\fB \-\-no\-cache Do not use local cache .UNINDENT .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-v WANTVERS [WANTVERS ...], \-\-compare\-versions WANTVERS [WANTVERS ...] Compare specific versions instead of latest and one before that, e.g. \-v 3 5 .UNINDENT .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-n\fP,\fB \-\-no\-diff Do not generate a diff, just show the command to do it .TP .BI \-o \ OUTDIFF\fR,\fB \ \-\-output\-diff \ OUTDIFF Save diff into this file instead of outputting to stdout .TP .B \-c\fP,\fB \-\-color Force color output even when writing to file .UNINDENT .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-m AMBOX AMBOX, \-\-compare\-am\-mboxes AMBOX AMBOX Compare two mbx files prepared with "b4 am" .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 diff \fI\%20200526205322.23465\-1\-mic@digikod.net\fP .SS b4 kr .sp usage: b4 kr [\-h] [\-p USEPROJECT] [\-m LOCALMBOX] [\-C] [\-\-show\-keys] [msgid] .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B positional arguments: msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message .TP .B optional arguments: .INDENT 7.0 .TP .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help show this help message and exit .TP .BI \-p \ USEPROJECT\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-project \ USEPROJECT Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux\-mm, linux\-hardening, etc) .TP .BI \-m \ LOCALMBOX\fR,\fB \ \-\-use\-local\-mbox \ LOCALMBOX Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or \- for stdin) .TP .B \-C\fP,\fB \-\-no\-cache Do not use local cache .TP .B \-\-show\-keys Show all developer keys from the thread .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .sp \fIExample\fP: b4 kr \-\-show\-keys \fI\%20210521184811.617875\-1\-konstantin@linuxfoundation.org\fP .SH CONFIGURATION .sp B4 configuration is handled via git\-config(1), so you can store it in either the toplevel $HOME/.gitconfig file, or in a per\-repository \&.git/config file if your workflow changes per project. .sp Default configuration, with explanations: .INDENT 0.0 .INDENT 3.5 .sp .nf .ft C [b4] # Where to look up threads by message id midmask = https://lore.kernel.org/r/%s # # When recording Link: trailers, use this mask linkmask = https://lore.kernel.org/r/%s # # When duplicate messages exist, use the following order to decide # which list\-id is likely to have the least mangled version. Default # preference is listed below, in the order of lists most likely to # preserve proper DKIM validation. Use shell\-style globbing and # separate multiple entries with commas. Must end with ,* listid\-preference = *.feeds.kernel.org,*.linux.dev,*.kernel.org,* # # Set to "yes" to save maildirs instead of mailboxes # This will help avoid mboxo/mboxrd format inconsistencies between # public\-inbox, python, and git save\-maildirs = no # # When processing thread trailers, sort them in this order. # Can use shell\-globbing and must end with ,* # Some sorting orders: #trailer\-order=link*,fixes*,cc*,reported*,suggested*,original*,co\-*,tested*,reviewed*,acked*,signed\-off*,* #trailer\-order = fixes*,reported*,suggested*,original*,co\-*,signed\-off*,tested*,reviewed*,acked*,cc*,link*,* trailer\-order = _preserve_ # # Attestation\-checking configuration parameters # off: do not bother checking attestation # check: print an attaboy when attestation is found # softfail: print a warning when no attestation found # hardfail: exit with an error when no attestation found attestation\-policy = softfail # # Perform DKIM attestation? attestation\-check\-dkim = yes # # When showing attestation check results, do you like "fancy" (color, unicode) # or simple markers? attestation\-checkmarks = fancy # # How long before we consider attestation to be too old? attestation\-staleness\-days = 30 # # You can point this at a non\-default home dir, if you like, or leave out to # use the OS default. attestation\-gnupghome = None # # If this is not set, we\(aqll use what we find in # git\-config for gpg.program; and if that\(aqs not set, # we\(aqll use "gpg" and hope for the best gpgbin = None # # How long to keep downloaded threads in cache (minutes)? cache\-expire = 10 # Used when creating summaries for b4 ty, and can be set to a value like # thanks\-commit\-url\-mask = https://git.kernel.org/username/c/%.12s # See this page for more info on convenient git.kernel.org shorterners: # https://korg.wiki.kernel.org/userdoc/git\-url\-shorterners thanks\-commit\-url\-mask = None # See thanks\-pr\-template.example. If not set, a default template will be used. thanks\-pr\-template = None # See thanks\-am\-template.example. If not set, a default template will be used. thanks\-am\-template = None # Used when preparing merge messages from cover letters. See shazam\-merge\-template.example shazam\-merge\-template = None .ft P .fi .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .SH SUPPORT .sp Please email \fI\%tools@linux.kernel.org\fP with support requests, or browse the list archive at \fI\%https://lore.kernel.org/tools\fP\&. .SH AUTHOR mricon@kernel.org License: GPLv2+ .SH COPYRIGHT The Linux Foundation and contributors .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer. .