#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 by the Linux Foundation # __author__ = 'Konstantin Ryabitsev ' import os import sys import b4 import re import mailbox from datetime import timedelta from tempfile import mkstemp from email import utils, charset charset.add_charset('utf-8', None) logger = b4.logger PULL_BODY_SINCE_ID_RE = [ re.compile(r'changes since commit ([0-9a-f]{5,40}):', re.M | re.I) ] # I like these PULL_BODY_WITH_COMMIT_ID_RE = [ re.compile(r'fetch changes up to ([0-9a-f]{5,40}):', re.M | re.I), ] # I don't like these PULL_BODY_REMOTE_REF_RE = [ re.compile(r'^\s*([\w+-]+(?:://|@)[\w/.@:~-]+)[\s\\]+([\w/._-]+)\s*$', re.M | re.I), re.compile(r'^\s*([\w+-]+(?:://|@)[\w/.@~-]+)\s*$', re.M | re.I), ] def git_get_commit_id_from_repo_ref(repo, ref): # We only handle git and http/s URLs if not (repo.find('git://') == 0 or repo.find('http://') == 0 or repo.find('https://') == 0): logger.debug('%s uses unsupported protocol', repo) return None logger.debug('getting commit-id from: %s %s', repo, ref) # Drop the leading "refs/", if any ref = re.sub(r'^refs/', '', ref) # Is it a full ref name or a shortname? if ref.find('heads/') < 0 and ref.find('tags/') < 0: # Try grabbing it as a head first lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/heads/%s' % ref]) if not lines: # try it as a tag, then lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/tags/%s^{}' % ref]) elif ref.find('tags/') == 0: lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/%s^{}' % ref]) else: # Grab it as a head and hope for the best lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/%s' % ref]) if not lines: # Oh well, we tried logger.debug('did not find commit-id, ignoring pull request') return None commit_id = lines[0].split()[0] logger.debug('success, commit-id: %s', commit_id) return commit_id def git_commit_exists(gitdir, commit_id): gitargs = ['cat-file', '-e', commit_id] ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(gitdir, gitargs) return ecode == 0 def git_branch_contains(gitdir, commit_id): gitargs = ['branch', '--contains', commit_id] lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(gitdir, gitargs) return lines def parse_pr_data(msg): lmsg = b4.LoreMessage(msg) if lmsg.body is None: logger.critical('Could not find a plain part in the message body') return None logger.info('Looking at: %s', lmsg.full_subject) for since_re in PULL_BODY_SINCE_ID_RE: matches = since_re.search(lmsg.body) if matches: lmsg.pr_base_commit = matches.groups()[0] break for reporef_re in PULL_BODY_REMOTE_REF_RE: matches = reporef_re.search(lmsg.body) if matches: chunks = matches.groups() lmsg.pr_repo = chunks[0] if len(chunks) > 1: lmsg.pr_ref = chunks[1] else: lmsg.pr_ref = 'refs/heads/master' break for cid_re in PULL_BODY_WITH_COMMIT_ID_RE: matches = cid_re.search(lmsg.body) if matches: lmsg.pr_tip_commit = matches.groups()[0] break if lmsg.pr_repo and lmsg.pr_ref: lmsg.pr_remote_tip_commit = git_get_commit_id_from_repo_ref(lmsg.pr_repo, lmsg.pr_ref) return lmsg def fetch_remote(gitdir, lmsg, branch=None): # Do we know anything about this base commit? if lmsg.pr_base_commit and not git_commit_exists(gitdir, lmsg.pr_base_commit): logger.critical('ERROR: git knows nothing about commit %s', lmsg.pr_base_commit) logger.critical(' Are you running inside a git checkout and is it up-to-date?') return 1 if lmsg.pr_tip_commit != lmsg.pr_remote_tip_commit: logger.critical('ERROR: commit-id mismatch between pull request and remote') logger.critical(' msg=%s, remote=%s', lmsg.pr_tip_commit, lmsg.pr_remote_tip_commit) return 1 # Fetch it now logger.info(' Fetching %s %s', lmsg.pr_repo, lmsg.pr_ref) gitargs = ['fetch', lmsg.pr_repo, lmsg.pr_ref] ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, gitargs, logstderr=True) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not fetch remote:') logger.critical(out) return ecode logger.info('---') if branch: gitargs = ['checkout', '-b', branch, 'FETCH_HEAD'] logger.info('Fetched into branch %s', branch) ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, gitargs) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Failed to create branch') logger.critical(out) return ecode else: logger.info('Successfully fetched into FETCH_HEAD') return 0 def explode(gitdir, lmsg, savefile): # We always fetch into FETCH_HEAD when exploding fetch_remote(gitdir, lmsg) logger.info('Generating patches starting from the base-commit') reroll = None if lmsg.revision > 1: reroll = lmsg.revision ecode, out = b4.git_format_patches(gitdir, lmsg.pr_base_commit, 'FETCH_HEAD', reroll=reroll) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not convert pull request into patches') logger.critical(out) sys.exit(ecode) # Save patches into a temporary file patchmbx = mkstemp()[1] with open(patchmbx, 'w') as fh: fh.write(out) pmbx = mailbox.mbox(patchmbx) embx = mailbox.mbox(savefile) cover = lmsg.get_am_message() # Add base-commit to the cover body = cover.get_payload(decode=True) body = '%s\nbase-commit: %s\n' % (body.decode('utf-8'), lmsg.pr_base_commit) cover.set_payload(body) bout = cover.as_string(policy=b4.emlpolicy) embx.add(bout.encode('utf-8')) # Set the pull request message as cover letter for msg in pmbx: # Move the original From and Date into the body body = msg.get_payload(decode=True) body = 'From: %s\nDate: %s\n\n%s' % (msg['from'], msg['date'], body.decode('utf-8')) msg.set_payload(body) msubj = b4.LoreSubject(msg['subject']) msg.replace_header('Subject', msubj.full_subject) # Set from, to, cc, date headers to match the original pull request msg.replace_header('From', b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['From'])) # Add a number of seconds equalling the counter, in hopes it gets properly threaded newdate = lmsg.date + timedelta(seconds=msubj.counter) msg.replace_header('Date', utils.format_datetime(newdate)) msg.add_header('To', b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['To'])) if lmsg.msg['Cc']: msg.add_header('Cc', b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['Cc'])) # Set the message-id based on the original pull request msgid msg.add_header('Message-Id', '' % (msubj.counter, lmsg.msgid)) msg.add_header('In-Reply-To', '<%s>' % lmsg.msgid) if lmsg.msg['References']: msg.add_header('References', '%s <%s>' % ( b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['References']), lmsg.msgid)) else: msg.add_header('References', '<%s>' % lmsg.msgid) if lmsg.msg['List-Id']: msg.add_header('List-Id', b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['List-Id'])) msg.add_header('X-Mailer', 'b4-explode/%s' % b4.__VERSION__) logger.info(' %s', msubj.full_subject) msg.set_charset('utf-8') bout = msg.as_string(policy=b4.emlpolicy) embx.add(bout.encode('utf-8')) logger.info('---') logger.info('Wrote %s patches into %s', len(pmbx), savefile) pmbx.close() os.unlink(patchmbx) embx.close() sys.exit(0) def main(cmdargs): msgid = b4.get_msgid(cmdargs) savefile = mkstemp()[1] mboxfile = b4.get_pi_thread_by_msgid(msgid, savefile) if mboxfile is None: os.unlink(savefile) return # Find the message with the msgid we were asked about mbx = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile) lmsg = None for msg in mbx: mmsgid = b4.LoreMessage.get_clean_msgid(msg) if mmsgid == msgid: lmsg = parse_pr_data(msg) # Got all we need from it mbx.close() os.unlink(savefile) if lmsg is None: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not find pull request info in %s', msgid) sys.exit(1) gitdir = cmdargs.gitdir if not lmsg.pr_tip_commit: lmsg.pr_tip_commit = lmsg.pr_remote_tip_commit if cmdargs.explode: if not lmsg.pr_base_commit: logger.critical('ERROR: No base-commit info provided in the message.') sys.exit(1) savefile = cmdargs.outmbox if savefile is None: savefile = '%s.mbx' % lmsg.msgid if os.path.exists(savefile): logger.info('File exists: %s', savefile) sys.exit(1) explode(gitdir, lmsg, savefile) exists = git_commit_exists(gitdir, lmsg.pr_tip_commit) if exists: # Is it in any branch, or just flapping in the wind? branches = git_branch_contains(gitdir, lmsg.pr_tip_commit) if len(branches): logger.info('Pull request tip commit exists in the following branches:') for branch in branches: logger.info(' %s', branch) if cmdargs.check: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) # Is it at the tip of FETCH_HEAD? loglines = b4.git_get_command_lines(gitdir, ['log', '-1', '--pretty=oneline', 'FETCH_HEAD']) if len(loglines) and loglines[0].find(lmsg.pr_tip_commit) == 0: logger.info('Pull request is at the tip of FETCH_HEAD') if cmdargs.check: sys.exit(0) elif cmdargs.check: logger.info('Pull request does not appear to be in this tree.') sys.exit(0) fetch_remote(gitdir, lmsg, branch=cmdargs.branch)