#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 by the Linux Foundation # __author__ = 'Konstantin Ryabitsev ' import os import sys import mailbox import email import email.message import email.utils import re import time import json import urllib.parse import xml.etree.ElementTree import b4 from tempfile import mkstemp logger = b4.logger def mbox_to_am(mboxfile, cmdargs): config = b4.get_main_config() outdir = cmdargs.outdir wantver = cmdargs.wantver wantname = cmdargs.wantname covertrailers = cmdargs.covertrailers mbx = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile) count = len(mbx) logger.info('Analyzing %s messages in the thread', count) lmbx = b4.LoreMailbox() # Go through the mbox once to populate base series for key, msg in mbx.items(): lmbx.add_message(msg) lser = lmbx.get_series(revision=wantver, sloppytrailers=cmdargs.sloppytrailers) if lser is None and wantver is None: logger.critical('No patches found.') return if lser is None: logger.critical('Unable to find revision %s', wantver) return if len(lmbx.series) > 1 and not wantver: logger.info('Will use the latest revision: v%s', lser.revision) logger.info('You can pick other revisions using the -vN flag') if wantname: slug = wantname if wantname.find('.') > -1: slug = '.'.join(wantname.split('.')[:-1]) gitbranch = slug else: slug = lser.get_slug(extended=True) gitbranch = lser.get_slug(extended=False) am_filename = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.mbx' % slug) am_cover = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.cover' % slug) if os.path.exists(am_filename): os.unlink(am_filename) logger.info('---') if cmdargs.cherrypick: cherrypick = list(b4.parse_int_range(cmdargs.cherrypick, upper=len(lser.patches)-1)) else: cherrypick = None logger.critical('Writing %s', am_filename) mbx = mailbox.mbox(am_filename) am_mbx = lser.save_am_mbox(mbx, cmdargs.noaddtrailers, covertrailers, trailer_order=config['trailer-order'], addmysob=cmdargs.addmysob, addlink=cmdargs.addlink, linkmask=config['linkmask'], cherrypick=cherrypick) logger.info('---') if cherrypick is None: logger.critical('Total patches: %s', len(am_mbx)) else: logger.info('Total patches: %s (cherrypicked: %s)', len(am_mbx), cmdargs.cherrypick) if lser.has_cover and lser.patches[0].followup_trailers and not covertrailers: # Warn that some trailers were sent to the cover letter logger.critical('---') logger.critical('NOTE: Some trailers were sent to the cover letter:') for trailer in lser.patches[0].followup_trailers: logger.critical(' %s: %s', trailer[0], trailer[1]) logger.critical('NOTE: Rerun with -t to apply them to all patches') if len(lser.trailer_mismatches): logger.critical('---') logger.critical('NOTE: some trailers ignored due to from/email mismatches:') for tvalue, fname, femail in lser.trailer_mismatches: logger.critical(' ! Trailer: %s', tvalue) logger.critical(' From: %s <%s>', fname, femail) logger.critical('NOTE: Rerun with -S to apply them anyway') logger.critical('---') if not lser.complete: logger.critical('WARNING: Thread incomplete!') if lser.has_cover: lser.save_cover(am_cover) top_msgid = None first_body = None for lmsg in lser.patches: if lmsg is not None: first_body = lmsg.body top_msgid = lmsg.msgid break if top_msgid is None: logger.critical('Could not find any patches in the series.') return linkurl = config['linkmask'] % top_msgid if cmdargs.quiltready: q_dirname = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.patches' % slug) am_mbox_to_quilt(am_mbx, q_dirname) logger.critical('Quilt: %s', q_dirname) logger.critical(' Link: %s', linkurl) base_commit = None matches = re.search(r'base-commit: .*?([0-9a-f]+)', first_body, re.MULTILINE) if matches: base_commit = matches.groups()[0] else: # Try a more relaxed search matches = re.search(r'based on .*?([0-9a-f]{40})', first_body, re.MULTILINE) if matches: base_commit = matches.groups()[0] if base_commit: logger.critical(' Base: %s', base_commit) logger.critical(' git checkout -b %s %s', gitbranch, base_commit) logger.critical(' git am %s', am_filename) else: cleanmsg = '' # Are we in a git tree and if so, what is our toplevel? gitargs = ['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'] lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, gitargs) if len(lines) == 1: topdir = lines[0] checked, mismatches = lser.check_applies_clean(topdir) if mismatches == 0 and checked != mismatches: cleanmsg = ' (applies clean to current tree)' else: # Look at the last 10 tags and see if it applies cleanly to # any of them. I'm not sure how useful this is, but I'm going # to put it in for now and maybe remove later if it causes # problems or slowness if checked != mismatches: best_matches = mismatches cleanmsg = ' (best guess: current tree)' else: best_matches = None # sort the tags by authordate gitargs = ['tag', '-l', '--sort=-taggerdate'] lines = b4.git_get_command_lines(None, gitargs) if lines: # Check last 10 tags for tag in lines[:10]: logger.debug('Checking base-commit possibility for %s', tag) checked, mismatches = lser.check_applies_clean(topdir, tag) if mismatches == 0 and checked != mismatches: cleanmsg = ' (applies clean to: %s)' % tag break # did they all mismatch? if checked == mismatches: continue if best_matches is None or mismatches < best_matches: best_matches = mismatches cleanmsg = ' (best guess: %s)' % tag logger.critical(' Base: not found%s', cleanmsg) logger.critical(' git am %s', am_filename) am_mbx.close() thanks_record_am(lser, cherrypick=cherrypick) return am_filename def thanks_record_am(lser, cherrypick=None): if not lser.complete: logger.debug('Incomplete series, not tracking for thanks') return # Are we tracking this already? datadir = b4.get_data_dir() slug = lser.get_slug(extended=True) filename = '%s.am' % slug patches = list() at = 0 for pmsg in lser.patches[1:]: at += 1 if pmsg is None: continue if cherrypick is not None and at not in cherrypick: logger.debug('Skipped non-cherrypicked: %s', at) continue pmsg.load_hashes() if pmsg.attestation is None: logger.debug('Unable to get hashes for all patches, not tracking for thanks') return patches.append((pmsg.subject, pmsg.pwhash, pmsg.msgid)) lmsg = lser.patches[0] if lmsg is None: lmsg = lser.patches[1] allto = email.utils.getaddresses([str(x) for x in lmsg.msg.get_all('to', [])]) allcc = email.utils.getaddresses([str(x) for x in lmsg.msg.get_all('cc', [])]) out = { 'msgid': lmsg.msgid, 'subject': lmsg.full_subject, 'fromname': lmsg.fromname, 'fromemail': lmsg.fromemail, 'to': b4.format_addrs(allto), 'cc': b4.format_addrs(allcc), 'references': b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['References']), 'sentdate': b4.LoreMessage.clean_header(lmsg.msg['Date']), 'quote': b4.make_quote(lmsg.body, maxlines=5), 'patches': patches, } fullpath = os.path.join(datadir, filename) with open(fullpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: json.dump(out, fh, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) logger.debug('Wrote %s for thanks tracking', filename) def am_mbox_to_quilt(am_mbx, q_dirname): if os.path.exists(q_dirname): logger.critical('ERROR: Directory %s exists, not saving quilt patches', q_dirname) return os.mkdir(q_dirname, 0o755) patch_filenames = list() for key, msg in am_mbx.items(): # Run each message through git mailinfo msg_out = mkstemp(suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=q_dirname) patch_out = mkstemp(suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=q_dirname) cmdargs = ['mailinfo', '--encoding=UTF-8', msg_out[1], patch_out[1]] ecode, info = b4.git_run_command(None, cmdargs, msg.as_bytes(policy=b4.emlpolicy)) if not len(info.strip()): logger.critical('ERROR: Could not get mailinfo from patch %s', msg['Subject']) continue patchinfo = dict() for line in info.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue chunks = line.split(':', 1) patchinfo[chunks[0]] = chunks[1] slug = re.sub(r'\W+', '_', patchinfo['Subject']).strip('_').lower() patch_filename = '%04d_%s.patch' % (key+1, slug) patch_filenames.append(patch_filename) quilt_out = os.path.join(q_dirname, patch_filename) with open(quilt_out, 'wb') as fh: line = 'From: %s <%s>\n' % (patchinfo['Author'].strip(), patchinfo['Email'].strip()) fh.write(line.encode('utf-8')) line = 'Subject: %s\n' % patchinfo['Subject'].strip() fh.write(line.encode('utf-8')) line = 'Date: %s\n' % patchinfo['Date'].strip() fh.write(line.encode('utf-8')) fh.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) with open(msg_out[1], 'r') as mfh: fh.write(mfh.read().encode('utf-8')) with open(patch_out[1], 'r') as pfh: fh.write(pfh.read().encode('utf-8')) logger.debug(' Wrote: %s', patch_filename) os.unlink(msg_out[1]) os.unlink(patch_out[1]) # Write the series file with open(os.path.join(q_dirname, 'series'), 'w') as sfh: for patch_filename in patch_filenames: sfh.write('%s\n' % patch_filename) def get_newest_series(mboxfile): # Open the mbox and find the latest series mentioned in it mbx = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile) base_msg = None latest_revision = None seen_msgids = list() seen_covers = list() for key, msg in mbx.items(): msgid = b4.LoreMessage.get_clean_msgid(msg) seen_msgids.append(msgid) lsub = b4.LoreSubject(msg['Subject']) # Ignore replies or counters above 1 if lsub.reply or lsub.counter > 1: continue if latest_revision is None or lsub.revision > latest_revision: # New revision latest_revision = lsub.revision if lsub.counter == 0: # And a cover letter, nice. This is the easy case base_msg = msg seen_covers.append(latest_revision) continue if lsub.counter == 1: if latest_revision not in seen_covers: # A patch/series without a cover letter base_msg = msg # Get subject info from base_msg again lsub = b4.LoreSubject(base_msg['Subject']) if not len(lsub.prefixes): logger.debug('Not checking for new revisions: no prefixes on the cover letter.') mbx.close() return base_msgid = b4.LoreMessage.get_clean_msgid(base_msg) fromeml = email.utils.getaddresses(base_msg.get_all('from', []))[0][1] msgdate = email.utils.parsedate_tz(str(base_msg['Date'])) startdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', msgdate[:9]) listarc = base_msg.get_all('List-Archive')[-1].strip('<>') q = 's:"%s" AND f:"%s" AND d:%s..' % (lsub.subject.replace('"', ''), fromeml, startdate) queryurl = '%s?%s' % (listarc, urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': q, 'x': 'A', 'o': '-1'})) logger.critical('Checking for newer revisions on %s', listarc) logger.debug('Query URL: %s', queryurl) session = b4.get_requests_session() resp = session.get(queryurl) # try to parse it try: tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content) except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as ex: logger.debug('Unable to parse results, ignoring', ex) resp.close() mbx.close() return resp.close() ns = {'atom': 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'} entries = tree.findall('atom:entry', ns) for entry in entries: title = entry.find('atom:title', ns).text lsub = b4.LoreSubject(title) if lsub.reply or lsub.counter > 1: logger.debug('Ignoring result (not interesting): %s', title) continue link = entry.find('atom:link', ns).get('href') if lsub.revision < latest_revision: logger.debug('Ignoring result (not new revision): %s', title) continue if link.find('/%s/' % base_msgid) > 0: logger.debug('Ignoring result (same thread as ours):%s', title) continue if lsub.revision == 1 and lsub.revision == latest_revision: # Someone sent a separate message with an identical title but no new vX in the subject line # It's *probably* a new revision. logger.debug('Likely a new revision: %s', title) elif lsub.revision > latest_revision: logger.debug('Definitely a new revision [v%s]: %s', lsub.revision, title) else: logger.debug('No idea what this is: %s', title) continue t_mbx_url = '%st.mbox.gz' % link savefile = mkstemp('b4-get')[1] nt_mboxfile = b4.get_pi_thread_by_url(t_mbx_url, savefile) nt_mbx = mailbox.mbox(nt_mboxfile) # Append all of these to the existing mailbox new_adds = 0 for nt_msg in nt_mbx: nt_msgid = b4.LoreMessage.get_clean_msgid(nt_msg) if nt_msgid in seen_msgids: logger.debug('Duplicate message, skipping') continue nt_subject = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', nt_msg['Subject']) logger.debug('Adding: %s', nt_subject) new_adds += 1 mbx.add(nt_msg) seen_msgids.append(nt_msgid) nt_mbx.close() if new_adds: logger.info('Added %s messages from thread: %s', new_adds, title) logger.debug('Removing temporary %s', nt_mboxfile) os.unlink(nt_mboxfile) # We close the mbox, since we'll be reopening it later mbx.close() def main(cmdargs): if cmdargs.checknewer: # Force nocache mode cmdargs.nocache = True if not cmdargs.localmbox: msgid = b4.get_msgid(cmdargs) wantname = cmdargs.wantname outdir = cmdargs.outdir if wantname: savefile = os.path.join(outdir, wantname) else: # Save it into msgid.mbox savefile = '%s.t.mbx' % msgid savefile = os.path.join(outdir, savefile) mboxfile = b4.get_pi_thread_by_msgid(msgid, savefile, useproject=cmdargs.useproject, nocache=cmdargs.nocache) if mboxfile is None: return # Move it into -thread threadmbox = '%s-thread' % mboxfile os.rename(mboxfile, threadmbox) else: if os.path.exists(cmdargs.localmbox): threadmbox = cmdargs.localmbox else: logger.critical('Mailbox %s does not exist', cmdargs.localmbox) sys.exit(1) if threadmbox and cmdargs.checknewer: get_newest_series(threadmbox) if cmdargs.subcmd == 'am': mbox_to_am(threadmbox, cmdargs) if not cmdargs.localmbox: os.unlink(threadmbox) else: mbx = mailbox.mbox(threadmbox) logger.critical('Saved %s', threadmbox) logger.critical('%s messages in the thread', len(mbx))