#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020 by the Linux Foundation # __author__ = 'Konstantin Ryabitsev ' import os import sys import b4 import b4.mbox import mailbox import shutil import urllib.parse from tempfile import mkstemp logger = b4.logger def make_fake_commit_range(gitdir, lser): start_commit = end_commit = None # Do we have it in cache already? cachedir = b4.get_cache_dir() # Use the msgid of the first non-None patch in the series msgid = None for lmsg in lser.patches: if lmsg is not None: msgid = lmsg.msgid break if msgid is None: logger.critical('Cannot operate on an empty series') return None, None cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, '%s.fakeam' % urllib.parse.quote_plus(msgid)) if os.path.exists(cachefile): stalecache = False with open(cachefile, 'r') as fh: cachedata = fh.read() chunks = cachedata.strip().split() if len(chunks) == 2: start_commit, end_commit = chunks else: stalecache = True if start_commit is not None and end_commit is not None: # Make sure they are still there ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(gitdir, ['cat-file', '-e', start_commit]) if ecode > 0: stalecache = True else: ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(gitdir, ['cat-file', '-e', end_commit]) if ecode > 0: stalecache = True else: logger.debug('Using previously generated range') return start_commit, end_commit if stalecache: logger.debug('Stale cache for [v%s] %s', lser.revision, lser.subject) os.unlink(cachefile) logger.info('Preparing fake-am for v%s: %s', lser.revision, lser.subject) with b4.git_temp_worktree(gitdir): # We are in a temporary chdir at this time, so writing to a known file should be safe mbxf = '.__git-am__' mbx = mailbox.mbox(mbxf) # Logic largely borrowed from gj_tools seenfiles = set() for lmsg in lser.patches[1:]: logger.debug('Looking at %s', lmsg.full_subject) lmsg.load_hashes() for fn, fi in lmsg.blob_indexes: if fn in seenfiles: # We already processed this file, so this blob won't match continue seenfiles.add(fn) if set(fi) == {'0'}: # New file creation, nothing to do here logger.debug(' New file: %s', fn) continue # Try to grab full ref_id of this hash ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(gitdir, ['rev-parse', fi]) if ecode > 0: logger.critical(' ERROR: Could not find matching blob for %s (%s)', fn, fi) # TODO: better handling return None, None logger.debug(' Found matching blob for: %s', fn) fullref = out.strip() gitargs = ['update-index', '--add', '--cacheinfo', f'0644,{fullref},{fn}'] ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, gitargs) if ecode > 0: logger.critical(' ERROR: Could not run update-index for %s (%s)', fn, fullref) return None, None mbx.add(lmsg.msg.as_string(policy=b4.emlpolicy).encode('utf-8')) mbx.close() ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, ['write-tree']) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not write fake-am tree') return None, None treeid = out.strip() # At this point we have a worktree with files that should cleanly receive a git am gitargs = ['commit-tree', treeid + '^{tree}', '-F', '-'] ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, gitargs, stdin='Initial fake commit'.encode('utf-8')) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not commit-tree') return None, None start_commit = out.strip() b4.git_run_command(None, ['reset', '--hard', start_commit]) ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, ['am', mbxf]) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('ERROR: Could not fake-am version %s', lser.revision) return None, None ecode, out = b4.git_run_command(None, ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']) end_commit = out.strip() logger.info(' range: %.12s..%.12s', start_commit, end_commit) with open(cachefile, 'w') as fh: logger.debug('Saving into cache: %s', cachefile) logger.debug(' %s..%s', start_commit, end_commit) fh.write(f'{start_commit} {end_commit}\n') return start_commit, end_commit def main(cmdargs): msgid = b4.get_msgid(cmdargs) if cmdargs.wantvers and len(cmdargs.wantvers) > 2: logger.critical('Can only compare two versions at a time') sys.exit(1) # start by grabbing the mbox provided savefile = mkstemp('b4-diff-to')[1] # Do we have a cache of this lookup? cachedir = b4.get_cache_dir() if cmdargs.wantvers: cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, '%s-%s.diff.mbx' % (urllib.parse.quote_plus(msgid), '-'.join(cmdargs.wantvers))) else: cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, '%s-latest.diff.mbx' % urllib.parse.quote_plus(msgid)) if os.path.exists(cachefile) and not cmdargs.nocache: logger.info('Using cached copy of the lookup') shutil.copyfile(cachefile, savefile) mboxfile = savefile else: mboxfile = b4.get_pi_thread_by_msgid(msgid, savefile, useproject=cmdargs.useproject, nocache=cmdargs.nocache) if mboxfile is None: logger.critical('Unable to retrieve thread: %s', msgid) return logger.info('Retrieved %s messages in the thread', len(mboxfile)) b4.mbox.get_extra_series(mboxfile, direction=-1, wantvers=cmdargs.wantvers) shutil.copyfile(mboxfile, cachefile) mbx = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile) count = len(mbx) logger.info('---') logger.info('Analyzing %s messages in the thread', count) lmbx = b4.LoreMailbox() for key, msg in mbx.items(): lmbx.add_message(msg) if cmdargs.wantvers and len(cmdargs.wantvers) == 1: upper = max(lmbx.series.keys()) lower = cmdargs.wantvers[0] elif cmdargs.wantvers and len(cmdargs.wantvers) == 2: upper = max(cmdargs.wantvers) lower = min(cmdargs.wantvers) else: upper = max(lmbx.series.keys()) lower = min(lmbx.series.keys()) if upper == lower: logger.critical('Could not find previous revision') os.unlink(mboxfile) sys.exit(1) if upper not in lmbx.series: logger.critical('Could not find revision %s', upper) os.unlink(mboxfile) sys.exit(1) if lower not in lmbx.series: logger.critical('Could not find revision %s', lower) os.unlink(mboxfile) sys.exit(1) # Prepare the lower fake-am range lsc, lec = make_fake_commit_range(cmdargs.gitdir, lmbx.series[lower]) if lsc is None or lec is None: logger.critical('---') logger.critical('Could not create fake-am range for lower series v%s', lower) os.unlink(mboxfile) sys.exit(1) # Prepare the upper fake-am range usc, uec = make_fake_commit_range(cmdargs.gitdir, lmbx.series[upper]) if usc is None or uec is None: logger.critical('---') logger.critical('Could not create fake-am range for upper series v%s', upper) os.unlink(mboxfile) sys.exit(1) logger.info('---') grdcmd = 'git range-diff %.12s..%.12s %.12s..%.12s' % (lsc, lec, usc, uec) if cmdargs.nodiff: logger.info('Success, to compare v%s and v%s:', lower, upper) logger.info(f' {grdcmd}') sys.exit(0) logger.info('Running: %s', grdcmd) gitargs = ['range-diff', f'{lsc}..{lec}', f'{usc}..{uec}'] if cmdargs.outdiff is None or cmdargs.color: gitargs.append('--color') ecode, rdiff = b4.git_run_command(cmdargs.gitdir, gitargs) if ecode > 0: logger.critical('Unable to generate diff') logger.critical('Try running it yourself:') logger.critical(f' {grdcmd}') sys.exit(1) if cmdargs.outdiff is not None: logger.info('Writing %s', cmdargs.outdiff) fh = open(cmdargs.outdiff, 'w') else: fh = sys.stdout fh.write(rdiff)