path: root/b4
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Diffstat (limited to 'b4')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/b4/ b/b4/
index 7c7945f..96c4fd6 100644
--- a/b4/
+++ b/b4/
@@ -991,50 +991,114 @@ class LoreMessage:
if i and m and p:
self.attestation = LoreAttestation(i, m, p)
- def fix_trailers(self, trailer_order=None):
- bodylines = self.body.split('\n')
- # Get existing trailers
- # 1. Find the first ---
- # 2. Go backwards and grab everything matching ^[\w-]+:\s.*$ until a blank line
- fixlines = list()
- trailersdone = False
- for line in bodylines:
- if trailersdone:
- fixlines.append(line)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_body_parts(body):
+ # remove any starting/trailing blank lines
+ body = body.replace('\r', '')
+ body = body.strip('\n')
+ # Extra git-relevant headers, like From:, Subject:, Date:, etc
+ githeaders = list()
+ # commit message
+ message = ''
+ # all trailers we find preceding the ---
+ trailers = list()
+ # everything below the ---
+ basement = ''
+ # conformant signature --\s\n
+ signature = ''
+ sparts = body.rsplit('\n-- \n', 1)
+ if len(sparts) > 1:
+ signature = sparts[1]
+ body = sparts[0].rstrip('\n')
+ parts = body.split('\n---\n', 1)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ basement = parts[1].rstrip('\n')
+ mbody = parts[0].strip('\n')
+ # Split into paragraphs
+ bpara = mbody.split('\n\n')
+ # Is every line of the first part in a header format?
+ mparts = list()
+ for line in bpara[0].split('\n'):
+ matches ='^(\w\S+):\s+(\S.*)', line, re.I | re.M)
+ if not matches:
+ githeaders = list()
+ mparts.append(bpara[0])
+ break
+ githeaders.append(matches.groups())
+ # Any lines of the last part match the header format?
+ nlines = list()
+ for line in bpara[-1].split('\n'):
+ matches ='^(\w\S+):\s+(\S.*)', line, re.I | re.M)
+ if matches:
+ trailers.append(matches.groups())
+ nlines.append(line)
- if line.strip() == '---':
- # Start going backwards in fixlines
- btrailers = list()
- for rline in reversed(fixlines):
- if not len(rline.strip()):
- break
- matches ='^([\w-]+):\s+(.*)', rline)
- if not matches:
- break
- fixlines.pop()
- btrailers.append(matches.groups())
- # Now we add mix-in trailers
- btrailers.reverse()
- trailers = btrailers + list(self.followup_trailers)
- added = list()
- if trailer_order is None:
- trailer_order = DEFAULT_TRAILER_ORDER
- for trailermatch in trailer_order:
- for trailer in trailers:
- if trailer in added:
- continue
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(trailer[0].lower(), trailermatch.strip()):
- fixlines.append('%s: %s' % trailer)
- if trailer not in btrailers:
-' + %s: %s' % trailer)
- else:
- logger.debug(' . %s: %s' % trailer)
- added.append(trailer)
- trailersdone = True
- fixlines.append(line)
- self.body = '\n'.join(fixlines)
+ if len(bpara) == 1:
+ if githeaders == trailers:
+ # This is a message that consists of just trailers?
+ githeaders = list()
+ return githeaders, message, trailers, basement, signature
+ # Add all parts between first and last to mparts
+ if len(bpara) > 2:
+ mparts += bpara[1:-1]
+ if len(nlines):
+ # Add them as the last part
+ mparts.append('\n'.join(nlines))
+ message = '\n\n'.join(mparts)
+ return githeaders, message, trailers, basement, signature
+ def fix_trailers(self, trailer_order=None):
+ bheaders, message, btrailers, basement, signature = LoreMessage.get_body_parts(self.body)
+ # Now we add mix-in trailers
+ trailers = btrailers + list(self.followup_trailers)
+ fixtrailers = list()
+ if trailer_order is None:
+ trailer_order = DEFAULT_TRAILER_ORDER
+ for trailermatch in trailer_order:
+ for trailer in trailers:
+ if trailer in fixtrailers:
+ # Dupe
+ continue
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(trailer[0].lower(), trailermatch.strip()):
+ fixtrailers.append(trailer)
+ if trailer not in btrailers:
+' + %s: %s' % trailer)
+ else:
+ logger.debug(' . %s: %s' % trailer)
+ # Reconstitute the message
+ if bheaders:
+ self.body = '\n'.join('%s: %s' % h for h in bheaders)
+ self.body += '\n\n'
+ else:
+ self.body = ''
+ if len(message):
+ self.body += message + '\n'
+ if len(fixtrailers):
+ self.body += '\n'
+ if len(fixtrailers):
+ self.body += '\n'.join('%s: %s' % t for t in fixtrailers)
+ self.body += '\n'
+ if len(basement):
+ self.body += '---\n'
+ self.body += basement
+ self.body += '\n'
+ if len(signature):
+ self.body += '-- \n'
+ self.body += signature
+ self.body += '\n'
def get_am_message(self, add_trailers=True, trailer_order=None):
if add_trailers:
@@ -1777,14 +1841,20 @@ def format_addrs(pairs):
def make_quote(body, maxlines=5):
+ headers, message, trailers, basement, signature = LoreMessage.get_body_parts(body)
+ if not len(message):
+ # Sometimes there is no message, just trailers
+ return '> \n'
+ # Remove common greetings
+ message = re.sub(r'^(hi|hello|greetings|dear)\W.*\n+', '', message, flags=re.I)
quotelines = list()
qcount = 0
- for line in body.split('\n'):
+ for line in message.split('\n'):
# Quote the first paragraph only and then [snip] if we quoted more than maxlines
- if qcount > maxlines and (not len(line.strip()) or line.strip().find('---') == 0):
+ if qcount > maxlines and not len(line.strip()):
quotelines.append('> ')
quotelines.append('> [...]')
- quotelines.append('> %s' % line.strip('\r\n'))
+ quotelines.append('> %s' % line.rstrip())
qcount += 1
return '\n'.join(quotelines)